
Your brain is swimming with brilliant ideas that you just know will bring in all sorts o’ cash, fame, or opportunity.

Except you have a mind like a sieve and each stroke of genius sifts out as fast as it comes in, never to appear again.

Sound like you?

Sick of getting dazzling flashes of creativity only to lose them to monkey mind madness?

I used to be like that too, my friend.  My inklings would come and go like a feather on a windy day.   (Oddly enough, I am able to retain worthless pop culture trivia with like some sort of broke-down pointless Rainman.  This “talent” only serves me well when playing Trivial Pursuit or making low-rent bets with my husband.)

I began keeping an “idea journal” years ago and it’s been my secret weapon to keep me spitting game and keepin’ the  sweet content flowing at The Tarot Lady hub.

If you’re an idea machine who tends to have too much other gunk floating around in your brain (like yours truly), an idea journal will keep your concepts and notions safely stored away like a paper vault of awesome!

Here’s what I do:

1. Get a small journal that you can keep at your desk but also carry with you if need be.


2. Every time you get a killer thought or scheme, write that sucker down.  I also keep track of potential blog posts, classes, products, and any random little phrase that passes through my cranium.  I’ll also sketch out programs, write down people or songs that inspire me, and jot down lyrics and quotes.  (If you are visually oriented, you can also include images from magazines.)  Another tip: I pay close attention to what clients are asking about tarot or business.  I write those questions and use them as prompts for new products or blogs.


3. Now you have a list of all kinds of brainstorming material that you can dip into any time.  This little journal is especially useful when I am organizing my editorial calendar.  Open that book and boom!  Tons of juicy content waiting to be created.


Once my idea journal is filled, I’ll transfer anything that has not been implemented into a fresh book and begin again.  (I keep the old ones because I enjoy going through them again from time to time and seeing if there are any other nuggets I can glean from the previous work.)


When I’m on the go and sans the journal, I use my cellphone to capture ideas as well.  Simply open up a note and begin typing or speaking into the phone (my husband always chuckles at me when I’m recording stuff into my phone.  Yes, he was laughing as he took my picture below). Once I’m home, those go right into the journal.


I’ve also found that keeping my book handy when I meditate or go to bed has been a wise move.  Often my best stuff comes right as I’m about to drift into la la land or savasana induced bliss.

Look, we’re all busy beavers and it’s not easy to keep track of our insights much less our keys.  Start keeping an idea journal and you’ll be more productive, creative – and more likely to actually implement your wicked smart inspirations.

Here’s to your big time creativity (and a whole lotta better retention)!



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2014


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