Want to learn the tarot card meanings?
Tarot Card by Card will help you master the cards in a hip, modern, and fun way!
Sick of the “standard” interpretations?
I hear ya. After a while, it becomes one big ole tarot snoozefest. Meh.
Which is why I decided to shake things up and out with my own modern slant on the tarot. There’s nothing typical about how I interpret the cards. In this
And yes, everything is in order – sorry but I have Virgo tendencies and I like some order around The Tarot Lady hub.
Ready? Oh, don’t worry – it won’t be the usual.
The Major Arcana
The Major Arcana symbolizes the big picture, fate, or major lessons. These are the things and events that feel outside our control but help us to grow.

The High Priestess
Keep your third eye open.

The Empress
You rule.

The Emperor
Who’s your daddy?

The Hierophant
Seek guidance.

The Lovers
Love is the law.

The Chariot
A triumph awaits.

You’ve got this!

The Hermit
Alone again.

The Wheel of Fortune
What goes up must go down.

Follow the rule of law.

The Hanged Man
Let it go.

It’s over.

Seek the middle way.

The Devil
The devil is in the details.

The Tower
Burn it down.

The Star

The Moon
Who’s afraid of the dark?

The Sun
Happy times.

Rise and shine!

The World
Spiritual graduation.
The Minor Arcana
The Minor Arcana symbolizes our day to day activities, the things that we can control, and the people who may be influencing situations.
Wands symbolize creativity, enterprise, work and passion. The element is Fire.

Ace of Wands
Thumbs up!

Two of Wands
The world is your oyster.

Three of Wands
Your ship is sailing in.

Four of Wands
Celebrate good times, come on!

Five of Wands
Let the games begin!

Six of Wands
You’re a winner!

Seven of Wands
Hold your ground.

Eight of Wands
Going the distance.

Nine of Wands
Watch your back.

Ten of Wands
Take a load on.

Page of Wands
The firestarter.

Knight of Wands
And he’s off!

Queen of Wands
She’s lit!

King of Wands
The inspiring leader.
Cups symbolize love, relationships, and our feelings. The element is Water.

Ace of Cups
Love overflows.

Two of Cups
The attraction factor.

Three of Cups
Girl’s night out.

Four of Cups
Meh…so boring.

Five of Cups
Grieve for what is lost.

Six of Cups
A blast from the past.

Seven of Cups
A kid in a candy store.

Eight of Cups
The seeker.

Nine of Cups
Wishes fulfilled!

Ten of Cups
All in the family.

Page of Cups
The beloved child.

Knight of Cups
The romantic hero.

Queen of Cups
The intuitive.

King of Cups
The King of Love.
Swords symbolize conflicts, thoughts, and mental processes. The element is Air.

Ace of Swords
Truth is your weapon.

Two of Swords
Wait it out.

Three of Swords
Unbreak your heart.

Four of Swords
Put it to rest.

Five of Swords
The victory through deceit.

Six of Swords
Smooth sailing ahead.

Seven of Swords
Getting away with it.

Eight of Swords
It’s an inside job.

Nine of Swords
Sleepless nights.

Ten of Swords
Stick a fork in it…it’s done.

Page of Swords
Ready for action.

Knight of Swords
The sharpshooter.

Queen of Swords
Killer Queen.

King of Swords
Mr. Spock.
Pentacles symbolize money, material goods, security, and our values. The element is Earth.

Ace of Pentacles
Mo’ money.

Two of Pentacles
The Juggler.

Three of Pentacles
Let’s work together.

Four of Pentacles
The Miser.

Five of Pentacles
The Outsiders.

Six of Pentacles
Ain’t too proud to beg.

Seven of Pentacles
A watched pot never boils.

Eight of Pentacles
Whistle while you work.

Nine of Pentacles
Treat yo’ self!

Ten of Pentacles
The Legacy.

Page of Pentacles
The good pupil.

Knight of Pentacles
Mr. Reliable.

Queen of Pentacles
The Earth Mother.

King of Pentacles
King Midas.