Talkin’ Tarot With is a monthly feature designed to introduce my readers to different tarot readers from our wonderfully diverse community!  Each month, I’ll be asking various tarot readers 3 questions about their tarot philosophy and style, plus pointing you to their websites and blogs so that you can learn more about them!  I like to hand pick tarot readers that I feel are talented and interesting.

Last year at RS10, I was walking through the merchant area when the heady scent of candles and oils caught my attention.  I meandered over to the booth of Coventry Creations and was spellbound by the offerings – especially the candles for tarot readers.  Owner Jacki Smith was busy manning the booth and taking orders but she took time to chat with me briefly about magick and tarot.  Jacki has piercing eyes and a focused presence, not to mention an encyclopedia like knowledge of all things metaphysical.  I purchased a few candles and made a note to keep my radar tuned towards her.

Since then, I have been consistently impressed with Jacki every time I tune in to Psychic Friends Live (she’s a co-host with Storm Cestavani).  Her deep love of magick and tarot shines through with every word that comes out of her mouth.  And let me say this – her candles WORK.  I have been a practitioner of candle magick for years but hers work so well that I barely have to put any of my own energy into it.   Whether you are a tarot fan or just a lover of magick, this is the woman who is changing the tarot world, one candle at a time.

Jacki Smith has been a crafter of magical products since 1992, and an initiated Witch since 1988.  The current trend in spiritual tools can be traced in part to the groundbreaking products that she developed over 15 years ago through her company, Coventry Creations.  Jacki’s Blessed Herbal Candles are a staple throughout many spiritual communities and are quickly becoming commonplace in mainstream America.  Coventry has recently released several new product lines in partnership with masters in the pagan and metaphsyical community: Storm Cestavani’s Tarot Magic (my personal fave!), Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo, and Robert Place’s Vampire Virtues.  Currently Jacki is working on blogs, podcasts and videos to teach more advanced uses of her new and existing products.

Her upcoming candle magic book with Red Wheel Weiser is a culmination of her 20 plus years of magical experience and she is always crafting more ways (and products) to help your reach your magical goals.  If you can’t wait until October 2011, you can also get her self-published Hoo Doo Basics book through her websites.

Jacki can be reached through Coventry Creations or emailed at

Check out her answers to my questions below:


1. What is your philosophy about tarot reading?

First of all, I feel that tarot reading is a psychic event; with all the possible interpretations of a tarot spread, you are using your psychic muscles to understand what applies to your client.  When I am reading for a client, I come to the session with an understanding that this is a snapshot of this moment in their life and that if nothing changes, these are the potential outcomes.  I also help my client understand that they can make new choices on issues in their control, changing their future.  Not much is written in stone, even your destiny can be put on hold if you decide to take a different path (of course that path may not be so easy).

2. How do you feel a client might get the most out of a reading with you?

I love it when clients talk to me about what is going on inside.  When I am consulting with a client, we use the tarot to go into their Akashic Records to uncover what their own personal truth is.  When we talk about what their fears and hopes are; together we can make changes and open the door to healing.

3. What is your best piece of advice for an aspiring tarot reader?

Do it!  Practice and take risks.  Tell your querent what you are sensing, say the crazy things that pop into your head and see if they make sense to the client.  Your job is to open up to all the information about your querent and then interpret it – don’t judge it.  One of the funniest moments I have had is when I asked a client “What’s with the silver aliens? ”  The Client laughed and said her boyfriend gave her a toy alien as a joke.  Let it come, let it flow; when you try too hard you just get stuck in your own head and your own judgments.


A big thank you to Jacki for taking the time out of her uber-busy life to chat with me.  Jacki will be a guest on my Blog Talk Radio Show on Sunday March 20th.  Be sure to tune in!  And if you haven’t grabbed a candle from Coventry Creations, get over there and check out what she has to offer.  (My absolute fave is the Clairvoyance Candle from her Tarot Magic line.)



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