Yesterday I launched my brand new digital program, Tarot Business In A Box, and this led to a whole lotta curious questions.  I thought I’d take a moment to answer some of those inquiries in this post.


Will I get a physical product mailed to me?


A: No – this is a digital product, which means you will be able to download it to your computer immediately upon purchase.  The benefit of a digital product is that you can download it no matter where you live.  No waiting around for the mailman and no shipping costs!


I’m not sure if I want to be self employed. What if I only want to do this part time?  Do I need a business structure for that?


A:  Even if you are a part time tarot professional, you need to have a business structure in place and you need to run your business like a real business.  This program is adaptable to your goals, whether you are looking to go full time or part time.


Will this program teach me how to read tarot?


A:  No.  This program is aimed at those who already know how to read tarot and are ready to start a business.  It’s a straight up business course.  


What is included in the program?


A:  This program is jammed pack with lots of business goodness!  First of all, you get a manual with four modules – and at the end of each chapter is an action list that summarizes what you need to do immediately to implement what you’ve learned.  There is an downloadable audio component to each module which allows you to listen to the lessons on the go.  I’ve also included a copy of my Social Media For Tarot Readers, the easy to use guide that shows you how to market your tarot business in the cheapest and most effective way possible.  There’s a handy checklist included as well to help you stay organized as you create your business.

I’ve also included interviews with top notch business strategists on every subject from copywriting to how to pitch your business to bookkeeping and more.  These interviews are full of priceless and useful information that will give you an edge when it comes to your business.

Lastly, Yolanda Facio (one of the business experts I interviewed) has generously thrown in a copy of her “Meanie Manifesto”,  the best guide on professional boundaries that you’ll ever read – and a copy of her “Marketing In Minutes” which is an amazing source of juicy marketing ideas!  

Oh and did I mention that those who purchase the program get lifetime updates for free?  Business is always evolving and as I continue to grow my own business and try new things, I update the program as necessary – once you buy the program, you’ll never have to pay for an updated version – ever! 

By the time you finish the program, you’ll know how to set up a legitimate business, how to market yourself properly, how to create a website that actually makes money, and more!  This is a ton of information – but it’s all doable and easy to implement!


How did you pick the experts for the bonus interviews?


A:  That was simple – I handpicked people that I have actually worked with or purchased products from.  Over the years, I have worked with many coaches and business experts so all my decisions come from experience, nothing is random.  These people have been instrumental in helping me to succeed – and if you follow their guidance, you’ll see the difference in your own business!


I have no business background and worry that I won’t understand the legalese.  How complicated is this program?  


A:  Not complicated at all. I break it down into manageable sections and the writing is in easy to understand lingo.  No “business speak”, nothing intimidating.  My goal was to take the fear out of the business part and make it fun and easy to comprehend!


I’m on a tight budget and wavering over whether or not I should spend the money.


A:  My philosophy: if you really want to succeed as a tarot professional, you owe it to yourself to know more and to be more in the world.  You already love reading tarot – wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to make a living doing what you love?  How would you show up in the world if you immersed yourself in this package of wisdom?  How would it feel if you could easily pay your bills and support your household (or have extra income to attend tarot conferences or to purchase limited edition decks!)?

Think about the last time you really wanted something (like that rare tarot deck!) – didn’t you figure out a way to make it happen?  Don’t you deserve to invest in your business?  And more importantly, in a lifestyle you really want?  If you apply what you learn in this program, you’ll make your investment back in no time at all.  A few tarot readings and it pays for itself.  


How do I know if this program is right for me?


A:  The best way to know if this program is right for you is to check in with your own inner guidance.  Look within and ask yourself if you really want or need this.  Contemplate what you would likely gain from investing in Tarot Business In A Box.  You may even want to pick a tarot card and see if it guides you toward the program!  Ultimately, you need to look into your heart.  The answer is within you.


What inspired you to create this?

A:  My mission is to inspire more readers to go pro. I know a lot of tarot readers who would love to start a business but they just don’t know where to begin.  Over the years I’ve listened to their worries, their fears, their dreams and goals and I knew that they needed business guidance that was friendly, practical and affordable – and tailored to the special needs of our industry.  

This program came together to serve those needs and it is based on real life experience, not theory.  I’ve been working as a full time professional tarot reader for over 20 years – everything in this program has been rigorously tested and geared towards results.  This is the program that I wish I would have had when I first started my  own business. I hope that my guidance not only inspires by prevents others from making costly mistakes!


Tarot Business In A Box is on sale until Monday July 16th, 2012.  The price will go up at midnight on Sunday the 15th.  Don’t delay – get the Box today and start creating the tarot business of your dreams:  TAROT BUSINESS IN A BOX



 © Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2012
More, more, more: check out my interview over at Gaian Soul:  Meet Theresa Reed, Chief Executive Oracle  Joanna asked me some great questions!  

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