How Tarot Can Empower You

Visualize this scenario: you’re driving to a friend’s new house for a visit but you are not sure where you are going.  This is an unfamiliar town plus it’s dark out.  She gave you some general directions but you made a wrong turn and had to back track.  You’re worried you’ll be late (your friend is a freak about promptness) so you start to speed.  Suddenly, you see the red lights flashing in your rear view mirror.  Now you’re pulled over and getting a big, fat speeding ticket.

Not a great way to operate, eh?

Picture this alternative:  you’re heading to the same friend’s house but you’ve given yourself a generous amount of time to get there.  You have your trusty GPS by your side and it’s gently guiding you towards your friend’s house.  She alerted you of the local speed traps so you know when and where to slow down.  It’s dark so you still run the risk of a pothole here or there but overall, it’s not a big deal.  You arrive and settle in for a relaxed night of conversation and wine.

Which sounds better to you?

The latter scenario is a good analogy of  what a tarot reading can do for you.  It can give you a general idea of what may come so that you may have greater awareness in the choices you make.  A tarot reading can show you possibilities, potential issues and escape chutes.

This leads to more conscious living.

Predictions are helpful but they are not cut in stone.  You can still decide to take a different route at any time (or to speed!).  It’s always up to you.

A tarot reading is simply a spiritual road map for the journey ahead and if used properly, it puts you squarely in the driver’s seat of your life.



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2013

How does tarot help you?  I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you use your tarot reading in the comment section below:


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