You’ve got questions? Tarot has answers! But your tarot reading is only as good as your question. In this series, I’ll present some solid questions that will give you better, thoughtful answers.

Tarot Questions: Why does this keep showing up in my life?

Here’s a good question to ask when you find yourself dealing with the same old patterns (or people!): Why does _______________ keep repeating or showing up in my life?

Shuffle your deck, pull a card and then interpret!

Example:  Why do people who don’t respect my boundaries keep showing up in my life?

The card:  Knight of Swords – the Knight of Swords sits astride a horse, sword drawn as he goes into battle.  He’s ready for the challenge before him.  This says: you do not have your defenses up.  You need to don armor, even if only psychic armor to keep that situation at bay.  It’s also possible that you need to be proactive and set strong boundaries right from the get go.  And once those boundaries are in place: protect them with all your might, much as this Knight is doing.  Boundaries only work when people see you that mean business. Swords up!

Your turn!  Give it a while and see what you might learn about your self.

More good questions and solid tarot advice can be found in The Tarot Coloring Book.



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2016


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