Astrology Bytes - Episode 85 - Chiron Return


Bite-sized astrology lessons for total astrology newbies.
Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady (psst…I am known for tarot but I’m also an astrology geek!).

Welcome to Astrology Bytes, the astrology podcast for people who want to learn astrology… but don’t have all day! Short, bite-sized astrology lessons.

Episode 85: Chiron Return

The Chiron return happens around ages forty-nine to fifty-one and hangs around for about two years. During this time, you have an opportunity to heal old wounds. As you work on healing yourself, you can find compassion for yourself…and others. This period can be lonely but also deeply spiritual. If you’re around those ages, you may be experiencing your Chiron return right now. What’s healing in your world?

Grab your astrology chart, put in your earbuds, and dive in!



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© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2019

Check out all previous Astrology Bytes episodes here. Want more astrology lessons? Get to Star School!


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