New Moon in Virgo 2018 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

The New Moon in Virgo arrives on Sunday, September 9th at 2:01 PM EDT. This is the best New Moon for tidying up any area of your life. Begin by taking stock of what’s working in your life – and what’s not. Feel free to examine every single detail because Virgo LOVES to analyze. From there, it’s time to declutter the unnecessary crap so you can focus on the important things. Create your to-do list and put your plans in action. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish going forward!

This day is ideal for cleaning your space, releasing junk, and getting back on top of tasks that have fallen by the wayside. It’s good for rebooting your health regime as well. If you’ve been slacking off, you can get right back in the fitness + self-care saddle once again. Healthy decisions made on this day have a good chance of sticking.

Because Virgo is also connected to service, this might be a wonderful day to think about how you can help others. Is there a good cause that interests you? Got a friend who needs a shoulder to lean on? Want to make a difference in the world or in your community? It’s never too late to start giving back. Go out and be a force for good!

And here’s some mini New Moon in Virgo 2018 Tarot Readings with The Tarot of Trees tarot deck!

New Moon in Virgo 2018 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries: The Emperor – When you lead, you’re in your element. Take charge of your life – or the matters at hand. It’s time to boss up in every way.

Taurus: Knight of Swords – A challenger emerges. You must be ready to stand up and do battle. Truth is your best weapon.

Gemini: Four of Wands – You are about to score a major victory. A celebration is on the way. Get ready to party!

Cancer: Six of Wands – The support you need to achieve your goals has arrived. You can go far and fast at this time.

Leo: Ace of Wands – A new job, creative project, or passion comes your way. Things are about to get exciting for you!

Virgo: Ace of Swords – The mental fog lifts at last, revealing a major opportunity. Seize the moment and expect a breakthrough.

Libra: Seven of Wands – There are so many challenges in front of you. Take a deep breath and keep fighting. Don’t give up.

Scorpio: Knight of Wands – An adventure shows up. If you’ve been itching for some excitement, you’re about to get it.

Sagittarius: The Wheel of the Year – Lady luck is on your side. Everything is ready to change for your benefit.

Capricorn: Page of Cups – A message of love brights delight. New emotional experiences are on the way.

Aquarius: The Hierophant – Expand your awareness. Seek answers. Wise counsel brings an important message.

Pisces: Eight of Swords – Sometimes you overthink things. This leads to anxiety. Relax. Loosen up. Get out of your own way.



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If these mini tarot readings stoked your fire, you might want a personalized tarot reading with me. Head over here to book your session.

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2018

images from stock photography and personal collection

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