Talkin’ Tarot With is a monthly feature designed to introduce my readers to different tarot readers from our wonderfully diverse community!  Each month, I’ll be asking various tarot readers 3 questions about their tarot philosophy and style, plus pointing you to their websites and blogs so that you can learn more about them!  I like to hand pick tarot readers that I feel are talented and interesting.
I connected with Bill Tarot a few years ago at a tarot conference (one of the best reasons to go to these jamborees is the amazing people you get to meet).  At the time, Bill was working on a cool tarot app and he shared it with me. I was impressed with the level of detail but also with him.  Why?  Here’s the deal: Bill does what he does for the love of tarot, nothing more.  He is not interested in being a tarot pro (at this time – but I may convince him otherwise), yet he is busy creating tools such as this app to give tarot lovers and pros new things to work with.
Bill is currently working on a new project that I’ve been honored to test out: the Dynamic Spread Deck – it helps you make quick custom spreads for deep focused readings.  I loved playing around with it and am anxious for it to come to market. After all, a tarot ninja needs as many weapons and gizmos as they can get, right?  (Well, at least THIS reader does…heh heh….)
Currently residing in San Francisco, Bill  spends much of his time reading books on metaphysics, psychology, creativity, and self-improvement, as well as the latest scientific information on how the brain works and its impact on personal and social behavior (did I mention that he’s a little bit of an egghead?).  He worked with other Oracle systems before deciding to begin the journey of learning the Tarot and how it can help bring about positive changes in a persons life. He’s happily performed readings on city sidewalks, restaurants and bars, and even a proper table in the quiet confines of a home.
Bill says that he is “happily blogless” but you can connect with him on Facebook where he occasionally posts.  And you can always track him down at the various tarot conferences – I recommend that you do.  You won’t meet a warmer, more gracious person than him.  This is another tarot person to happily keep your eye on.
Check out Bill’s answers to my questions:
1.  What is your philosophy about tarot reading?
Bill: I see Tarot readings as being an intersection between 4 elements – the reader, the person receiving the reading (sometimes one and the same), the question being asked, and a connection with that unknowable energy/thing that brings it all together. Some might call it accessing the collective unconscious.
Some people believe that the cards you pull, have a message that can be interpreted by anyone grounded in a traditional method of Tarot reading.  While I agree with that up to a point, I feel the cards present themselves to match-up with the particular reader and their own style of reading.
Modern science continues to investigate theories of how the past, present and future can exist simultaneously, I think Tarot readers are playing in that intersecting space. During a reading, the reader sheds light on a situation related to a persons life through a lens that simultaneously peeks into the past, present and future. Of course, as we know, the free will of the individual can change the course of the future, and nothing is written in stone.
2.  How do you feel a client might get the most out of a reading with you? 
Bill: The most important thing to me is someone who wants to bring about change in their life and is willing to put in the work. Intention (your goal or desire), attention (maintaining a focus on your intention), and action (doing something about it) – be willing to bring this to the table, and we can get a lot done together.
3.  What is your best piece of advice for an aspiring tarot reader?
Bill: Start with getting a basic general education of Tarot. A bit of Tarot History, basic meanings of the cards, reading techniques, etc. Do readings for yourself, friends and family. Then consider doing free readings with strangers in consideration for getting feedback from the clients. This is a great way to gain confidence in your abilities, and discover if becoming a professional Tarot Reader is something you really want to do.
Get in touch with what drew you into Tarot, and what continues to get you excited about it – and then go deep in that area. Maybe that’s getting in touch with your intuitive nature, or perhaps it’s the study of a tradition like the Golden Dawn. You may even discover that the flame you carry for Tarot is not related to doing readings, but rather the path of discovery it takes you down. Enjoy it all!
So much gratitude to Bill for making time to talk some tarot with me!  XXOO  Be sure to keep an eye out for his upcoming projects – and don’t worry, I’ll keep you in the loop when they become available.
© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2013

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