Talkin’ Tarot With is a monthly feature designed to introduce my readers to different tarot readers from our wonderfully diverse community!  Each month, I’ll be asking various tarot readers 3 questions about their tarot philosophy and style, plus pointing you to their websites and blogs so that you can learn more about them!  I like to hand pick tarot readers that I feel are talented and interesting.

zuri eberhart


I first became acquainted with Zuri Eberhart of Ask Zuri through social media.  Connecting with people through platforms such as Twitter can sometimes be hit or miss.  After all, people can and do often misrepresent themselves.  But not Zuri – her warmth and intelligence shone through in every interaction.  I knew I had to get to know this chick!

Since the time she first got on my radar, I’ve been impressed with her mad tarot skills.  We’ve done some work together behind the scenes and I can tell you this: Zuri is not only an ace at tarot reading, she’s also extremely intuitive.  And despite her talents, she remains humble.  There is never a whiff of self importance or ego, ever.

Zuri lives in Florida with her husband and cats.  When she’s not reading tarot, she enjoys whipping up some ritual magic, shopping for hand crafted candles, traveling and spending quality time with her loved ones.  If you ask her what kind of world she’d like to live in she says this:  “I want to live in a world where people trust their intuition, fearlessly step up their game and create a life that’s adventurous and fun.”

And for the past 15 years, she’s been helping a fabulous international clientele of go-getters do just that. With her trusty Tarot deck and A-team of Guides, she’s been forecasting the future, beaming Reiki healing light and weaving her coaching magic into the lives of men and women from across the globe.  As a sought-after Intuitive Advisor and Energy Healer, her work has been featured in snazzy places like: Flowdreaming radio, Yahoo and other fine online joints (including here today!).

Learn more about Zuri at Ask Zuri and check out her answers to my questions below:


What is your philosophy about Tarot reading?

Zuri: I look at the cards as a cosmic GPS system, steering my intuition in the direction that it needs to go to bring clarity, answers and guidance into the burning questions a client may have. Depending on the question, the Tarot cards will come together in a spread to tell a story, giving insight into a particular chapter of one’s life. As a reader, I’m blessed to ride shotgun with the client, supporting them in their choices and bringing to their attention any detours, roadblocks and opportunities for success that may be shown on along the way. All I can do is show them the possibilities. They are always in the driver’s seat of their decisions, where at any point they can take a different exit or follow the course as it was laid out by the Tarot.

How do you feel a client might get the most out of a reading with you?

Zuri:   Be on time for your appointment. There are clients scheduled around your reading, so if you show up late, then I can only read for the remaining time left in your session.

Be open minded with the information the reading may reveal and leave the door open for the possibility of an alternative ending to the story you’re coming in for.

Don’t play test the psychic. I never claimed to be a mind reader.

Prepare a list of questions and order enough time (at least 30-60 minutes) to have them answered if you have questions about more than one area of concern. It ensures that we can laser in on what’s most important to you and gives a little wiggle room in our time together should new questions come up as the reading takes shape.

Communicate. The best readings are a conversation between you and me, confirming what’s being shown to validate I’m on the right track and clarifying the situation so that I can ask the cards to go in deeper for the insights you need.

What is your best piece of advice for an aspiring tarot reader?

Zuri:  It’s important to get a solid foundation in the Tarot, so take classes whenever you can. You’re going to need support in your journey so make friends with the Tarot community and join Tarot meet ups to practice reading and learn new techniques. Invest in sessions with a Tarot mentor who can help you polish your skills once you’ve been working with the cards for a little while. Understand that there are no right and wrong answers when reading the Tarot. The traditional meanings are a jumping off point. As you work with your cards, you’ll develop your own variations on those meanings because the cards begin working with your own intuition. That’s when the magic really begins!


Three cheers to Zuri for taking time to share her thoughts.  Be sure to check out her site:



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2013

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