Tarot Advice - Guidance in Every Card

Tarot isn’t just for divination – it can also be a wonderful tool for guidance.  In this series, we’ll explore the advice options for every card.

With a Tarot deck by your side, you can make clear decisions, deal with challenges confidently, and find alternate routes when necessary.  The result? The best possible guidance for the future you want.

Join me every Friday for a new installment – and get ready to add some helpful advice + loving support to your Tarot readings.

Tarot Advice - Guidance in Every Card: Knight of Swords

This week: Knight of Swords

Go in with all your might. The situation requires a show of force. Be aggressive but nimble.

This is not a time for reflection – it’s a time for action.

Defend your point of view. Lead with your truth and fight for what’s right.

Sometimes the Knight of Swords may be advising to confront a situation or a person. If something feels off or untrue, be swift to confront it.

Keep going. Even though you may be in the midst of a stormy period, do not give up. Remain focused your goal and carry on.


Reversed: Knight of Swords

Use restraint. Instead of charging in, hold back. Wait until you have the facts…or the coast is clear.

Aggression may not be necessary at this time. Find a way to bring calmness or detachment to the situation.

The Knight of Swords reversed can also indicate a need to think before you speak. Instead of assuming you’re right, listen up.

Be careful of reckless or wild energy – from yourself or others.


Questions to ponder:

How does aggression fit into your life? When have you needed to assert yourself vigorously? How can you best express your truth when you’re meeting opposition?




Explore the whole series here: https://www.thetarotlady.com/tarot-advice-guidance-every-card/

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