Tarot Bytes - Episode 76: Intuitive Tarot Reading with Arwen Lynch-Poe

Tarot Bytes: The Podcast

Bite-sized lessons for Tarot beginners
Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady

Welcome to Tarot Bytes – the tarot podcast for people who want to learn tarot…but don’t have all day. Short, bite-sized tarot lessons.

Episode 76:  Intuitive Tarot Reading with Arwen Lynch-Poe

Wonder what it means when someone says that they are an intuitive tarot reader? Curious about the role intuition plays in a tarot reading? Wanna know how to develop your own? If you have ever asked these questions, I’ve got the right person to answer them: Arwen Lynch-Poe. Years ago, I had one of the best readings ever with Arwen. She was able to get into the heart of a situation that I couldn’t (intuition doesn’t always work well when you are emotionally invested in an outcome). Her perception was right on – and I’ve been a huge fan ever since.

In this interview, Arwen explains what intuition is, how it works with tarot, and why you still need to learn the structure of tarot before you toss that little white book. She also gives a few tips on how to develop your intuition. Get ready to get clear answers on intuitive tarot reading!

Tarot Bytes - Episode 76: Intuitive Tarot Reading with Arwen Lynch PoeProfessional Joy Seeker Arwen Lynch-Poe has been teaching writers how to use Tarot since 2009. In 2015 she added teaching intuitive Tarot. She is the author of several decks including the Fairy Tale Lenormand and Secrets of the Mystic Grove. Past-president of the American Tarot Association (2007-2014), Arwen enjoys educating and networking with others. Her own business, Tarot by Arwen, has been around since 1985 with her online professional presence launching in 1992. She is also published in fiction as Marilu Mann. When she combined Tarot with writing, two loves came together in one very happy marriage.

She is now the editor-in-chief and owner of The Cartomancer a quarterly print and digital magazine. Arwen lives in New Mexico, where she works with writers doing private coaching to help them finish their books. She also still reads for individuals. Her motto in life is “Seek joy, y’all.” Her approach to her involvement with Tarot is Jungian with a healthy dose of self-responsibility. Arwen sees the Tarot as a tool to help see things that need to be seen. Rather than doing strictly divination-based readings, Arwen attempts to deliver readings that gently guide you to taking charge of your own life and making your own decisions. Her goal is to help you find your joy and keep it. Watch for Arwen presenting at Tarot conferences and writing conferences.

Contact her by visiting www.tarotbyarwen.com
Sign up for her Trust Your Gut course: http://bit.ly/TrustIt
Arwen’s You Tube channel
The Cartomancer: http://www.thecartomancer.com

Grab your favorite deck, put in your earbuds, and dive in!



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© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2018

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