
Most people call a tarot reader to get a glimpse of the future.  Yet the husky voiced woman on the other end of the line insisted that she wanted me to “tell her details about her past”.  Puzzled by this odd request, I asked her why she would want such a thing. It didn’t make sense to me. She then said that she wanted me to do this so I could “prove” my abilities to her.  Sigh.  I informed her that I am running a business and am not a trained poodle who does parlor tricks on command.  I don’t roll like that.  And in truth, her attitude did not create an ideal atmosphere for a tarot reading as it brought out a defensive mindset for me.  Once my brain is in that mode, I have zero interest in connecting with the client.

In order to foster the best tarot reading, both client and reader must have an open mind seeking answers.  The reading will be obscured or complicated when one or the other approaches the reading with a hidden agenda.

For example, a tarot reader must be aware of their own prejudices, which can color a reading and create a situation where the reader “projects” their own fears or experience onto the client’s situation.  Years ago, I met a reader who was very bitter about her love life.  She gave me a reading that reflected this mindset and insisted that I had troubles in my relationship due to my husband’s dishonesty.  (For the record, I live with a goody goody Dudley Do-Right who could not lie if he wanted to and we have a blissful 20 year union with no issues to speak of.)  It was obvious to me that she was projecting her own life issues into my reading.  If I were vulnerable, imagine the damage that this reading could have done.

On the other side of the coin, when a client wants to “test” the reader (like the caller I described above) this skeptical attitude makes their question bifurcated and dishonest and puts the tarot reader in a hostile environment.  The reading is no longer a request to the universe – it’s an aggressive push toward a preconceived notion that a tarot reader is crooked. This makes the experience a onerous chore. Pulling teeth to get answers from a closed off aggressive mindset is neither pleasant nor productive.

Both client and reader need to be open to receive questions and answers.  A reading must be approached with honesty. Neither party should engage in a reading with agendas or preconceived notions.  If both the reader and the client approach a reading with an open mind and a sincere question for the universe, then whatever answer comes is more likely to be useful and whatever it is, that’s the job for the client to interpret how it applies to their own life.



How do you deal with clients that come with an attitude?  Has there ever been a time where your own attitudes got in the way of you being able to do a reading?  I’d love to hear your experiences!  Post ’em in the comment section below!

image courtesy of taoxproductions

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