The Hit List - The lessons of my second Saturn return…so far

The Saturn return is an astrological transit akin to a rite of passage. It’s challenging and stressful, with non-stop tests. Once you’ve finished this two-plus-year period, you emerge stronger, and more mature. Most books about the Saturn return focus solely on the first, which happens around age 27. There is little to no information about the second…or third. 

What little I have seen speak about this period as one where you attain new levels of maturity in your career as you prepare for retirement…and your next chapter. Now that I’m smack-dab in the middle of my second Saturn return, I can tell you that this part is true. My career is popping along, and retirement is in my sights. It’s unfolding exactly as I want. This is the true essence of the second Saturn return – new levels.

But this has not been a time of coasting toward the finish line. Instead, this period has come with trials and tribulations that have tested my resolve like never before. Once again, I’m in the midst of a rite of passage – and there have been no graceful exits. I’ve had to steel my nerves and trudge forward, even though I’d rather be resting on a few laurels.

Boy, howdy, I have learned some things!

I’ve learned:

:: How to stand up to abusers and protect the realm.
:: My loved ones still need me.
:: Who my real friends are – and aren’t.
:: When to pivot and when to stay put.
:: Never take my health for granted.
:: I can still grow even if I cannot travel much.
:: Trust the signs and omens, both the good ones and the bad ones.
:: My boundaries matter. My no is valid, and I don’t need to explain it. (This has been the biggest lesson for both Saturn returns.)

I still have a year to go. Truth be told, I am tired. I’d like to catch a break. But I also know this period will zip by before I know it (the years do seem to go faster the older I get). The next Saturn return isn’t going to come for another thirty years. So onward, upward, and always forward. 




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Get your kids off-screen and out of your hair this summer: Tarot For Kids.

Tarot is the perfect tool to develop your intuition. Learn more with: Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading.

Prefer to listen to your tarot lessons? Check this out: Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading is available as an audiobook.

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There is an audio version if you prefer: Astrology For Real Life.

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Coloring is relaxing. It’s also a fantastic way to deep-dive into tarot: The Tarot Coloring Book.

No matter what is happening in the world, don’t check out. Instead, check in with yourself and find your strength: Tarot For Troubled Times.

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Hey astrology lovers and curious types! Check out this new kit from Carrie Paris and yours truly: My Living Astrology Chart. This experiential astrological kit also doubles as a charm casting board—perfect for detailed divination!


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Want to learn the tarot basics? Check out my upcoming Tarot For Beginners course! Coming October 2nd!


What I’m Grateful For:

Longer days

Good doctors


Peaceful birthdays

Time to myself


Soundtrack for 6/14/24

Where Are You? – The Chameleons

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2024

images from stock photography and personal collection 

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