This month, I’m answering some of your biggest, gnarliest (and most common) questions about tarot.  

Today’s Question:  Why won’t the tarot answer my question?

Ever have a situation where tarot won’t give you an answer?  Or maybe the answer is so confusing that you are left scratching your head?

There are a couple of reasons why this might happen.

  1. You may have too much emotional investment in your question.  If you come to the reading with a strong desire for a certain outcome, you may have skewed the energy.  The best mindset is a curious and neutral one.  Be as open as you can.  And by all means, if you are bent out of shape, leave the tarot alone until you can approach it with a calm, centered mind!
  2. Your question might be worded in a manner that doesn’t allow for a clear answer.  Perhaps try reframing your question.  “Will” and “when” are never the best questions for tarot.  Instead try: “how can I” or “what can I do to” type questions as they tend to be more empowering.
  3. Are you asking more than one question at the same time?  That can lead to tarot confusion.  Narrow it down as much as you can.
  4. Are you asking the same question again and again and again?  That’s a big tarot no-no!  Often the cards will begin to give you conflicting info when you play that game. Same if you go from reader to reader to reader to get the answer you want.  Leave it alone for a bit.  Let things percolate. The universe doesn’t like pushiness.
  5. You may be asking about stuff that is none of your business.  For example, if you are asking about your ex’s sex life with his new sweetie, the tarot isn’t going to like that one bit.  Plus it’s gross.  Also if you are trying to “read minds” or discern what someone feels, be aware that most tarot readers are not mind readers.  You’ll get a more frank answer by asking the person directly instead of going to a tarot reader.
  6. You may not be in sync with your reader.  Incompatibility can lead to a difficulty with seeing.  It happens.  Readers can’t read for every person.

And sometimes it may be just this: THE ANSWER IS NOT CLEAR AT THIS TIME.

Life is constantly in flux and there may be some situations where the answer is simply not there.  If there is no answer available, leave it be and JUST BE.  And more importantly, trust that you’ll find the answer when the time is right.



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2013


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