Theresa Reed The Tarot Lady Horoscopes

Cover Your Ass-Trology with Monthly Astrological

Forecasts and Horoscopes!


As we cruise toward the end of the year, the universe brings a few speed bumps and surprises. But fret not! If you’re awake at the wheel, you’ll navigate the terrain like a boss.

First up: a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on the 2nd. This is the last of the eclipse series in Libra, a sign associated with relationships. A change around a partnership is possible. For example, you may take things to a new level or decide to part ways. For some, a new person may enter the picture. Of course, eclipses are unpredictable – so it’s best to keep it chill until a few days have passed. By then, you’ll have a better idea of what’s up. Libra is also associated with peace and justice – two topics that might be on people’s minds as we barrel toward the election. A revelation around this eclipse could surprise everyone. Brace yourself and watch the chips fall.

Jupiter begins its annual retrograde on the 9th. During this period, which lasts until February 4th, you might want to exercise caution around risks. While there is nothing wrong with taking chances, you certainly don’t want to push your luck either. As Kenny Rogers sang: “You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em.” This transit favors returning to school, spiritual practices, and taking long journeys. 

Pluto direct on the 11th means it’s time to take your power back. You’ve had plenty of time to examine how power works – and now you can take that information to make real, lasting transformation. Build new structures in your life, set boundaries, and take command of your future. With Pluto in Capricorn over the upcoming election, you can decide whether to go backward or forward. Does the old way make sense? Or are you ready to progress into a future for all? 

Secrets are IN when Mercury flits into mysterious Scorpio on the 13th. Suddenly, it’s best to keep your private business on the down low if you wish to avoid detection. Others may want to share their information, but mums the word. Mercury switches gears on November 2nd.

The Full Moon in Aries on the 17th brings closure around situations that began in the spring. Whatever you started at that time comes to fruition now. A celebration may be in order if you’re happy with the results. But if you don’t like how situations have progressed (or not), it may be time to pull it out by the root. Let go of what’s not working so you can start over (or start fresh). 

Romantic adventure awaits when Venus skips into Sagittarius on the 17th. Go off on a second honeymoon, flirt with that hottie at the coffee shop, take a chance, and state your feelings – in other words, don’t be timid! Roll the romantic dice! Venus remains here until November 11th.

The Sun will be in Scorpio on the 22nd, your yearly reminder to get deep. The following four weeks are for solving mysteries, trusting your instincts, and ferreting out secrets. No matter how hidden or dark, you can get to the source. The Sun remains here until November 21st when it bounces into Sagittarius.


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Psst…If astrology leaves you confused AF, you need to get my book: Astrology For Real Life – A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious. Available everywhere books are sold! 

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Annnndddd here’s your personal monthly horoscopes:

Aries - Monthly Horoscopes

Aries:  The Solar Eclipse on the 2nd starts the month off with a bang, dear Aries. This lunation lands directly in your relationship zone, and signals an important change. You could meet someone new or experience a sudden break up. Whatever happens promises to steer your life into a different direction, so go with the flow as much as you can. Get your budget in order when Mercury enters your 8th house on the 13th. If your money has been a hot mess, a meeting with your accountant could straighten that out fast. The Full Moon in your sign on the 17th pushes you to assert your independence. Even so, a compromise may be necessary if you wish to keep the peace. The 17th also finds Venus touring your travel zone, a stellar transit for romantic journeys. Bonding over a cruise? Yes, please! Finances improve when the Sun sheds light on hidden budget leaks and possible investments, starting on the 22nd. You’ll have four weeks to get your money right – just in time for the holidays!

Taurus - Monthly Horoscopes
Taurus: A Solar Eclipse in the work section of your chart on the 2nd promises to shake things up on the job, dear Taurus. An unexpected opportunity may arise, or the company may decide to take a new route. Keep your wits about you and remain flexible. Once a few days have passed, you’ll have a better idea of what’s really going on. Jupiter retrograde on the 9th requires mindfulness with money. You’ll want to budget wisely over the next few months. While that may not sound fun, ending the year on a solid financial note will have you singing a different tune. Conversations improve when Mercury zips into your 7th house on the 13th. This transit is excellent for negotiation. You can talk it out, find a compromise, and seal every deal. Take a break on the 17th’s Full Moon. A “me” day will help you sort yourself out, something you need to do occasionally. Your cash attraction skills level up when your ruling planet, Venus, trots into lucky Sagittarius on the 17th. Although this is happy news, it’s best to stick to that budget. Treat yourself if you must, but don’t blow your wad! The Sun joins Mercury on the 22nd, creating dynamic vibes between you and your honey. As the temps continue to drop, love keeps it hot. 
Gemini - Monthly Horoscopes

Gemini: You may experience a change in your romantic life this month, dear Gemini. Your house of true love is active at the beginning of October, putting more emphasis on your current status. You may be ready to cast your net wide if you’re single. Partnered? It’s time to talk about where things are going. No matter your status. the Solar Eclipse on the 2nd will shake things up. This could signal a new partner or a new level. For some, it may be the time to call it quits. Just keep an open mind and see where things go. Jupiter retrograde on the 9th could put you in a reflective mood for the winter. This year has been intense and filled with opportunities, but now you need to ask yourself, “what is next?” and “is this what I really want?” Ponder those questions and allow time for the answers. When your ruling planet, Mercury, enters Scorpio on the 13th, you’ll start to get to the bottom of your desires. This transit is also excellent for work negotiations. If you want to push for better working conditions, speak up! Let your inner Norma Rae grab the mic! A fab night for an impromptu hang with your pals pops up with the Full Moon on the 17th. Gather your besties for a catch-up over cocktails. Venus will shift into Sagittarius that same evening, adding more groove to your love life. A leadership position opens up on the job when the Sun slips into Scorpio on the 22nd. This could be the start of a more prominent role – and paycheck. 

Cancer - Monthly Horoscopes

Cancer: Your home life is hopping this month, dear Cancer. The Sun and Mercury in the domestic sector of your chart makes your nest the center of activity, so expect plenty of action. A loved one has an announcement to make on the 2nd when the Solar Eclipse arrives. This news could be shocking. For example, they may announce a sudden move. Give it a few days to sink in before reacting. You’re more introspective when Jupiter stations direct on the 9th. If you feel rattled, your inner wisdom will guide you toward calm. Your romantic life gets a boost when Mercury dips into sexy Scorpio on the 13th. The result: you can speak the language of love fluently, a talent that leads to more action. Put your best foot forward when the Full Moon shines the spotlight your way on the 17th. This day could be a career game-changer. Step up, stand tall, and be ready to say yes to opportunity. Venus will sit pretty in your work zone on the 17th as well, a transit that adds to your popularity on the job. People are rooting for you! This high level of support ensures your rise. Celebrate with your honey when the Sun enters your 5th house on the 22nd. Snuggle sessions with a glass of wine finish the month on a happy note.   

Leo - Monthly Horoscopes

Leo: October could be a decent month for travel, dear Leo. If you need a break, there are marvelous days for journeys near or far. You may receive a last-minute invite on the 2nd’s Solar Eclipse. Don’t overthink it – GO. It could give you a fresh perspective. The other day to circle on your calendar is the 17th. On that day, a Full Moon lights up your house of long-distance travel, an ideal lunation to indulge your wanderlust. Jupiter retrograde on the 9th strengthens your urge to expand your horizons, so go forth and see the world! If that’s not possible, use these days to broaden your mind in other ways: lectures, classes, and great books. Family drives you batty when Mercury enters your domestic sector on the 13th. Keep your cool, even if you feel like popping off. It won’t be worth it. Get ready for a romantic upgrade when Venus tours the true love section of your chart for a few weeks, beginning on the 17th. A new love is possible, the antidote to a dry spell. If you’re partnered, this could mark a time when you’re able to bond through intimate activities. All in all, this bodes well for love! Your ruling planet, the Sun, sashays into your 4th house on the 22nd, setting off a four-week home improvement streak. Paint the walls, hang up decorations, or clean the dickens out of your nest. You’ll be holiday-ready by the time this transit ends. Yay!

Virgo - Monthly Horoscopes

Virgo: October could bring financial surprises, dear Virgo. The Solar Eclipse in your money zone on the 2nd sheds light on an unexpected opportunity. Suddenly, your cash flow improves, putting you in a better position before the holidays. Jupiter retrograde on the 9th marks a five-month period where you can travel for work or polish your skills. However, it’s also a time you might need to put the brakes on a planned expansion. It’s better to take your time instead of pushing too fast. You can research the best paths when your ruler, Mercury, zips into your 3rd house on the 13th. You love to learn, so this is a happy transit! Pay debts or balance the budget on the 17th’s Full Moon. This day could also reveal a hidden tax issue, something you’ll want to take care of immediately. Home is where the heart is when Venus cruises into the domestic sector of your chart on the 17th. Time spent at your nest with loved ones strengthens bonds. It’s also a lovely transit for decorating. Get ready for a leg up on the holidays with some festive embellishments! Short road trips may be necessary once the Sun migrates into Scorpio on the 22nd. Visits to haunted houses or family members over the following four weeks make the holidays feel merry and fun!

Libra - Forecasts and horoscopes

Libra: Prepare for epic shifts this month, dear Libra. It all begins with a Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 2nd, a powerful catalyst for significant transformation. This is your chance to let go of old stories and start writing a new, more empowering chapter. Release anything that no longer serves you, from dead-end relationships and negative thoughts to too-tight pants. You’ll breathe easier if you eliminate what you’ve outgrown. If you’re feeling the urge to travel, the period of Jupiter retrograde from the 9th through February is an ideal time for globe-trotting. A few long-distance journeys could lead to fresh perspectives. Money matters take the spotlight when Mercury enters your 2nd house on the 13th. You might have a few situations that need attention, but try not to give in to worry. There are solutions – and it won’t be long before you discover them. A key relationship comes to a close around the 17th’s Full Moon. This parting feels long overdue. Shed a few tears if you must, but don’t get hung up on this ending. Instead, consider it your permission slip to welcome new folks into your world. Your ruling planet, Venus, helps you find your flirt game when it drops into Sagittarius on the 17th (right after the Full Moon!). Turn on the charm, and you can land new digits before the holidays. The Sun warms up your financial situation when it joins Mercury on the 22nd. Let your ambition for cash take the wheel – and you’ll fill your coffers before November ends. 

Scorpio - Forecasts and horoscopes

Scorpio: The first three weeks of October are your annual hibernation time, dear Scorpio. The Sun and Mercury in the privacy section of your chart are a nod to the necessity of quiet time, something you relish. A shocking secret emerges when the Solar Eclipse arrives on the 2nd. Do not allow this to disrupt your calm. Take note and let it go. The information might look different in a few days. Avoid financial risks when Jupiter stations retrograde in your 8th house from the 9th through February. It’s best to take a cautious approach if you want to avoid stress. Your powers of self-expression increase when Mercury enters your sign on the 13th. Although you’re rarely at a loss for words, this adds to your persuasive powers. You can motivate anyone now – use that energy wisely. The best day to get rid of bad habits falls on the 17th’s Full Moon. If you want to quit anything, mark this day on your calendar. The 17th also puts Venus into your money zone, a transit that helps with cash attraction. However, it can be spendy. Again: a bit of restraint will keep your financial stash secure. Your season officially begins when the Sun enters your sign on the 22nd. It’s your time to dazzle the world! Step into every spotlight like you own it. You do. 

Sagittarius - Forecasts and horoscopes

Sagittarius: You’ll be out and about most of the month, dear Sagittarius. Of course, you don’t mind. You’re in your element when you’re hanging with your pals. However, a change could happen in your social circle when the Solar Eclipse shows up on the 2nd. A friend may leave the scene suddenly – or a new person might enter the picture. This could radically alter your circle, so it’s important to stay flexible and adaptable until you can assess where things stand. Your ruler, Jupiter, stations retrograde on the 9th, signaling a five-month period where you need to ponder all the relationships in your world. Who stays? Who goes? Try not to make decisions until you have given yourself time to reflect. Secrets are revealed when Mercury settles into Scorpio for a few weeks, beginning on the 13th. No matter how hot the tea, it’s best to zip your lip. The 17th feels significant. First up, a Full Moon sheds clarity on your romantic life. If you are confused about someone’s feelings about you, you’ll discover the truth and be able to make a firm decision. Also, Venus will be in your sign that day, amplifying your charisma. This could help you attract whatever you want – including a new suitor if you’re suddenly single. A retreat from early festivities sounds fab when the Sun sinks into the introspection sector of your chart on the 22nd. Take a few weeks to chill out, and you’ll be ready to get merry, just in time for the holidays! 

Capricorn - Forecasts and horoscopes

Capricorn: October puts the spotlight on you, dear Capricorn. As the month kicks off, the Sun and Mercury mingle in your career zone, casting a favorable glow. You can win the public over – and impress the top industry dawgs. The Solar Eclipse on the 2nd takes your status to star level. Suddenly, you’re seen on a much larger scale than ever before. Own it! Jupiter retrograde from the 9th until February gives you plenty of time to ponder this turn of events. How big do you want to go? Consider what’s comfortable, but don’t get stuck in the comfort zone. This is also an excellent time to reflect on your habits. If you’ve strayed from your healthy habits, you can get back on track. Invitations for Halloween gatherings begin to trickle in when Mercury prances into the social section of your chart on the 13th. Get your costume ready for the spooky fun! The Full Moon on the 17th is ideal for hosting a shindig at your crib. A pumpkin carving party on the patio? Yes, please. You’ll also want to make time for private rendezvous with your boo when Venus enters Sagittarius on the 17th. This transit lasts until the middle of November, plenty of time for cuddles in front of the fire. The season of the witch is official when the Sun slinks into Scorpio on the 22nd. You’ve got four weeks to party hearty with your besties (or to form a coven). Boo!

Aquarius -- Forecasts and horoscopes

Aquarius: Travel possibilities increase this month, dear Aquarius. An opportunity for an epic journey arrives with the Solar Eclipse on the 2nd. This could be the chance of a lifetime, so have your passport ready! Even if you don’t travel that day, you might find a deal for something later in the year. Jupiter retrograde in the creative sector of your chart on the 9th puts the brakes on a project. Have you taken on too much? It might be time to scale back so you can continue to do your best work. Expect plenty of work meetings once Mercury enters your career zone on the 13th. You might be negotiating contracts or speaking to the boss about a raise. You’ll find the right words to turn every situation to your advantage. Another opportunity for a trip arises with the 17th’s Full Moon. That same day, Venus flutters into adventurous Sagittarius, a super sweet combo for a romantic getaway. Surprise your honey with two tickets to paradise – and have fun! The Sun joins Mercury on the 22nd, raising the possibility of a promotion. You could be in an exciting new role before the holidays, giving you another reason to celebrate. 

Pisces - Forecasts and horoscopes

Pisces: If you’re concerned about your finances, October brings a welcome change, dear Pisces. The Solar Eclipse in Libra on the 2nd is the perfect time to revamp your budget. If you can make an appointment with a financial advisor, even better. It’s also possible a loan, windfall, or other financial opportunity could land in your lap around this day. Keep an eye out for new possibilities – and trust this will move you in the right direction. Jupiter stations retrograde in your domestic sector for a few months, beginning on the 9th. This means it’s best to rethink home improvement goals for a bit. For example, if you were thinking of an addition, you’ll want to review those plans carefully before starting. Otherwise, you might bite off more than you can chew. Sudden urges to travel kick in when Mercury darts into your 9th house on the 13th. Some of these journeys could be for work, but even so, you’ll find ways to enjoy yourself. The Full Moon in Aries on the 17th illuminates what you need to feel secure. That may mean more money in the bank or clearing up a current debt. Venus in Sagittarius on the 17th amplifies your charisma at work, which could lead to a promotion. You have a lot of charm during this transit, so be sure to negotiate for a bigger salary. You’ll get it! Set sail for an extended pre-holiday tour when the Sun embarks on a month-long tour of your 9th house, beginning on the 22nd. The world is waiting – bon voyage!


Hey you! I have a free series for astro-newbies: Star School.

I’ve also got a book you might want to check out: Astrology For Real Life – A No B.S. Guide for the AstroCurious.

Learn how to mash-up tarot and astrology for your best life: Twist Your Fate: Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot.



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