Theresa Reed The Tarot Lady Horoscopes

Cover Your Ass-Trology with Monthly Astrological

Forecasts and Horoscopes!

JULY 2024

As summer continues to roll on, the cosmos remains pretty chill. For now. August will be another matter. But until then, let’s look at July.

Reality bites when Neptune stations retrograde on the 2nd. We can see the truth during this transit, which lingers until December 7th. Whatever has been hidden emerges. But this can only come from introspection. Neptune can be tricky and deceptive. In Pisces, we prefer to keep our heads in the clouds. But once it’s retrograde, we can no longer ignore what’s happening around or within. The knock is coming from inside the house, and reflection will shed light on what’s real…and what’s not. 

Prepare to unleash your inner lion when Mercury charges into Leo on the 2nd. This cosmic shift is a beacon for bold declarations, flamboyant words, and grand ideas – all to be delivered with a theatrical flourish. This transit not only encourages expressive communication but also ignites creativity in exhilarating new ways, a boon for artists, musicians, and writers. This celestial show continues to dazzle until the 25th.

Nestle into a new chapter of your home life when the New Moon in Cancer graces us on the 5th. This lunar event is a perfect time to embark on home improvement projects, invest in new furniture, fortify your sanctuary, or even explore the real estate market. Alternatively, you can redefine what ‘home’ truly means to you. For some, this New Moon heralds the expansion of their family or the choice of a new one. With sensitivity heightened, trust your instincts in all decisions. Set intentions around home, family, intuition, and security, and let this lunar energy guide you.  

Love gets fiery and dramatic when Venus moves into Leo on the 11th. If you want to get your lover’s attention, don’t play small. Go all out! Satin sheets, flickering candles, sexy lingerie, and fancy gifts. Open your heart and declare your intentions. Results: more sizzle. Venus in Leo is excellent for investing in art, jewelry, pampering, and luxury everything. Treat yourself! The planet of love remains in Leo until August 4th.

Words become powerful (and possibly deadly) when Mars steps into Gemini on the 20th. This transit can help you get your point across. However, It’s too easy to spout off if you lose your cool. You’ll want to exercise some restraint if you want to keep the peace. Mars in Gemini is fab for writers. It can bring sharpness to writing tasks. Just remember to limit distractions if you’re going to get anything done. Don’t scatter your forces to the wind! Mars leaves Gemini on September 4th.

The second Full Moon in Capricorn of the year arrives on the 21st. This feels like the end of a situation that has been holding on for dear life. Now, it’s complete, and closure is at hand. The last is wiped clean, preparing the way for new growth. Let go and trust that whatever is on the way is for your highest good. If you need to finish a project, this could be the day when you hit your mark like a total GOAT.

The Sun in Leo on the 22nd says, “it’s time to play.” Long days with plenty of sunshine make it easy to say yes to vacations and leisure. Make time for fun as much as possible. Indulge your inner child! This transit of the Sun is also divine for strutting your stuff. What are you proud of? Don’t hesitate to show off your wins! Let the bragging rights begin! The Sun stays in Leo until August 22nd.

Last but not least, Mercury will be in Virgo on the 25th for an extended stay, thanks to next month’s Mercury retrograde. When Mercury is in the sign of the Virgin, we can get details sorted down to the finest point. It’s your best time for analyzing, problem-solving, researching, and anything that requires focus. The shadow side is perfectionism – if you get hung up on everything being “just so,” you might lose sight of the bigger picture. 


Get ready to rock 2024 with The Tarot Lady’s Ultra-Deluxe Superfly Astrology Guide for 2024!

Psst…If astrology leaves you confused AF, you need to get my book: Astrology For Real Life – A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious. Available everywhere books are sold! 

Want to level up your astrology and tarot knowledge – and learn how to apply that to your advantage? You’ll want Twist Your Fate: Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot!

Annnndddd here’s your personal monthly horoscopes:

Aries - Monthly Horoscopes

Aries:  The balance between work, family, and love is tricky this month, dear Aries. A busy domestic sphere at the start of July puts your attention on the home. You could be caring for loved ones or getting your house in order. It’s the perfect time for those summer projects – get your gardening on! The New Moon on the 5th is stellar for purchasing real estate, new furniture, or selling your home. If you are in the market for an upgrade, now is the time to strike! Romance takes a thrilling turn when Venus, the planet of love, prances into Leo on the 11th. This celestial event is set to ignite your love life with passion and excitement, whether you’re single or partnered. Your ruler, Mars, ensures you have the right words to pitch woo when it enters your communication sector on the 20th. You’re known for being assertive in matters of the heart, and now you’ve got ample romantic courage to live up to that rep! On the 21st, the Full Moon sheds light on a career-changing opportunity. This could be the moment when you finally achieve a long-held goal. It’s also possible a situation may end, freeing you for new options. Whatever happens, you’re ready to step up your game. The Sun powers up your love life for a few weeks, beginning on the 22nd. Suddenly, you’re less inclined to worry about family situations when your eyes are fixated on the passion prize. But if you think July is ending on a love note, Mercury in Virgo on the 25th mires you in work responsibilities for the rest of the summer. The best plan: leave your duties at the office when the work day ends.  

Taurus - Monthly Horoscopes
Taurus: Mars in your sign promises to keep you buzzing about for the first three weeks of May, dear Taurus. You’re usually a fan of slow-mo, but this burst of energy gives you superhuman vibes. That means you can make headway on all of your summer goals. Part of your busyness may involve travel, thanks to an active 3rd house. A cluster of planets in that sector means multiple short trips or lots of fitting about your neighborhood. No matter what you need to do, you have the energy! The New Moon on the 5th brings exciting news. Stay alert for an announcement or opportunity involving a sibling or your neighborhood. It could impact your life in some way. A change might be in order! Your ruler, Venus, slips into your domestic zone on the 11th, giving you the perfect excuse to hunker down and beautify your surroundings. You adore comfort and pretty things, so this means you’re in your element. Break out the paint, deep clean, and purchase new furniture – make your nest a showpiece! Don’t worry about the money angle – once Mars moves into Gemini on the 20th, you’ll figure out how to rustle up the cash you need. Put some of that cheddar aside for a vacation when the Full Moon lights up the travel sector of your chart on the 21st. It’s the best time to go lounging on a beach or touring a faraway city. This doesn’t mean you’ll neglect your home improvement projects. The Sun in Leo on the 22nd ensures you have control over the realm as summer moves on. When Mercury enters your true love zone on the 25th, romantic conversations hit a new octave. You can speak the language of love like a pro. It will be here for a long spell due to next month’s retrograde, a period when the planet appears to move backward in its orbit. This may bring some challenges in communication and decision-making, so it’s important to be patient and thoughtful. Even if you hit a snag, you’ll have plenty of time to talk things out.
Gemini - Monthly Horoscopes

Gemini: June was pretty good to you, dear Gemini. The hits keep coming, with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus sitting together in your money zone at the beginning of July. Your hard work is paying off now, so expect to see more cash flowing as the month rolls on. The urge to travel kicks up stardust when your ruler, Mercury, shifts gears into Cancer on the 2nd. You love spontaneous road trips, so why not grab your bestie, rent a car, and see what’s out in the wild blue yonder? It will lift your curious spirit! The New Moon on the 5th opens up a new income stream. This could be a side hustle or promotion. Either way, you’re going to like the impact on your wallet! Your mind turns to love when Venus dances into passionate Leo on the 11th. You’re the zodiac’s flirt and rarely shy about expressing your interests – but this transit makes you even bolder! Look out world – Gemini is coming to get theirs! Your energy accelerates when Mars dashes into your sign on the 20th. Suddenly, you have superhuman energy that lasts until September 4th. If you have deadlines or a packed agenda, no worries. You’ll burn through those responsibilities like a lit match on a piece of paper. More great financial news: the Full Moon on the 21st signals the end of a debt. You might be paying off a bill or getting student loan relief. Either way, this will free you up even more. Once the Sun enters Leo on the 22nd, your travel calendar starts to fill, presenting you with exciting opportunities for new adventures. Where next? The world is waiting! However, Mercury will be in the domestic section of your chart for an extended stay beginning on the 25th. This means your family might need your attention. How can you have your fun while keeping the home fire burning? Luckily, you’re capable of doing more than one thing at the same time, so you’ll find the solution soon enough. But first: playtime! 

Cancer - Monthly Horoscopes

Cancer: The Sun shines brightly in your sign, casting a favorable glow over you as July begins, dear Cancer. This is YOUR season, so act like you know! Strut your stuff and let your charm come blazing through. You’ll be amazed at how much goodness you can attract when you come out of your shell! You’ve got money on your mind when Mercury enters your earned income house on the 2nd. Clever ideas may pay off in increased revenue. Don’t hesitate to share your brainstorms with the boss. It could lead to that career upgrade you’ve had eyes on. The New Moon on the 5th is fantastic for a “me day.” Schedule time at the spa and let your inner diva enjoy some pampering!  Venus joins Mercury on the 11th, upping your cash-attraction skills to new levels. Suddenly, you’re making it rain! You might be spending some of those rubber bands, too. Of course, you prefer to save your cash, but sometimes it’s good to treat yourself. Work on top-secret projects when Mars enters Gemini on the 20th. This transit helps you get things done undercover. If you want to create something far removed from the public’s view, you can do it now! The Full Moon on the 21st brings closure to an old relationship. It’s been time to let that one go for a while. Now you have the courage to say “boy bye,” which feels like sweet relief! The Sun dashes into Leo on the 22nd, adding more firepower to your earning capacity. You’ll have four more weeks to get that bag, so keep your hustle hard. Mercury will test your mental powers when it moves into Virgo for an extended stay. You’re naturally sharp, but next month, you could feel off your game when it stations retrograde. Ground and center – and you’ll be less likely to lose your footing.

Leo - Monthly Horoscopes

Leo: July starts on a quiet note and ends with a bang for you, dear Leo. A few planets are circling the introspection of your chart as the month begins, giving you navel-gazing vibes. While your posse of pals try to tempt you to come out and play, time alone seems to restore your sense of balance. Mercury in your sign on the 2nd helps you communicate your needs clearly. Do not hesitate to let your peeps know what’s up. They will understand. The New Moon on the 5th brings a secret to light. Suddenly, you get clarity on a situation – and can start to consider your next move. You can proceed confidently when Venus marches into your sign on the 11th. Suddenly, you have the glam and glitz to command the room (not that you ever lost it), so be ready to take control of the realm. Your star power will be unquestioned for the next few weeks! It’s harder to say no to the party circuit once Mars zooms into Gemini on the 20th. You’ve put your friends off long enough – now it’s time to get down! The rest of the summer will be filled with cool events and celebrations – including your birthday! Huzzah! The Full Moon on the 21st brings an end to a work assignment, freeing you up for more playtime. This comes right as your season kicks in when your ruling planet, the Sun, casts golden rays on you beginning on the 22nd. You’ll be at your brightest for the next month, stealing every scene like the main stage star you are! Strut your stuff and work it, baby! Once Mercury enters your money zone on the 25th, your focus shifts to your money. If you have been concerned about your income, you’ll discover new ways to bring the cash in the door. Better yet, you can analyze leaks and fix them once and for all. Although you have a reputation for being the zodiac’s biggest spender, this transit will prove you’re a mogul in the making!

Virgo - Monthly Horoscopes

Virgo: Summer soirees keep you out of the house for much of the month, dear Virgo. That’s because the social sector of your chart is bustling as the month commences. Date nights, weddings, and cocktail parties under the stars will keep you happily busy. (Much better than being stuck in the office as usual!) Folks will reveal lots of secrets at these shindigs, thanks to Mercury entering your 12th house on the 2nd. All the juicy gossip will be for your ears only – so get ready to prick up your ears! The New Moon on the 5th is marvelous for mingling. Why not host an event at your crib that night? Invite the most interesting people you know and keep the bubbly flowing. It might be the event of the summer! Discretion will be necessary for your romantic affairs once Venus slips into Leo on the 11th. This transit gives new meaning to the word “undercover.” What happens in your boudoir doesn’t need to be anybody’s business but yours. So, while others are blabbing about their scandalous behavior, it’s best to keep your trysts in the dark. Your career gets new energy when Mars tours your 10th house, beginning on the 20th. Over the next six weeks, your hustle will get noticed by the top brass. A promotion may be waiting for you once that period ends. Be cautious with the details of your love life around the 21st’s Full Moon. Others may want to pry – but you don’t need to share a thing. In fact, the more quiet you can be, the better. Luckily, the Sun will settle into your privacy zone on the 22nd, helping to take the spotlight off you for a few weeks. As the saying goes, what happens in Virgo stays in Virgo! As the month ends, your ruling planet, Mercury, will be in your sign on the 25th. Suddenly, you can find the right words for every situation. However, next month, Mercury will station retrograde, giving you foot-in-mouth syndrome. Moral of the story: the least you say this month and the next, the better.

Libra - Forecasts and horoscopes

Libra: July is a banner month for your career, dear Libra. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus (your ruling planet) are aligning in the reputation sector of your chart, illuminating your path to success. This is your moment to shine and show the world your true potential. The accolades and rewards that are sure to follow are a testament to your hard work and dedication. Start celebrating with your crew when Mercury meanders into your social zone on the 2nd. Your buddies are more than happy for an excuse to spend time with you. The New Moon on the 5th opens up a massive opportunity. It could be the one you’ve been aiming for all year! Finally, you’re on the come-up! Romantic evenings add intrigue to your summer when Venus sashays into your 11th house on the 11th. Date nights, flirty conversations, and evenings dancing under the stars make your July special. You may also be in the mood for travel when Mars joins Jupiter in Gemini on the 20th. Perhaps a celebratory cruise is in order? Or maybe a few impromptu road trips? Whatever you decide will be an adventure! The Full Moon on the 21st brings a sense of closure around a family dilemma. If you have been worried about a loved one, answers may provide relief. Of course, you may also find a truce with the troublemakers in your circle. Either way, this sets the rest of the month on a peaceful course with your next of kin. Your social life gets more active once the Sun enters Leo on the 22nd. You’ll have four weeks to say yes to every invite. Why stay home when there are so many playmates? Enjoy yourself! But pay close attention to secrets and gossip when Mercury drifts into your 12th house on the 25th. Information comes in on the down low – and some revelations will be juicy. 

Scorpio - Forecasts and horoscopes

Scorpio: If your wanderlust has been elevated, you can blame all the activity happening in the travel section of your chart, dear Scorpio. A summer vacation to a faraway place will do much to lift your spirits, so book it! You’ll be so glad you did! Matters at the office try to steal your attention when Mercury heads into Leo on the 2nd. While there are some issues, don’t let that take precedence over your time off. Set appropriate work boundaries – and enjoy trotting the globe! The New Moon on the 5th is dynamite for a long-distance journey. Schedule your world tour that day and see what’s happening in unknown parts of the globe! Your reputation sparkles when Venus enters your career zone on the 11th. The public wants to see more of you, so don’t hesitate to show them what you’re up to (or where you’re traveling). This transit of Venus can also indicate mixing business with pleasure. Negotiate deals over dinner, rub elbows at industry events, and reach out to influencers – any of these activities over the following four weeks could pay off handsomely! When Mars enters Gemini on the 20th, you might find yourself actively involved in making or managing money. For example, you might be in charge of a loved one’s financial situation. Or you could be applying for a loan. Whatever situation you’re engaged in will take up a lot of your time, which could mean your travel period needs to come to a close. However, giving yourself a day off to recalibrate on the 21st’s Full Moon is best. Use that day to go home and resume daily routines before you return at full speed. You’re in beast mode for the next month when the Sun roars into your 10th house on the 22nd. Ambition soars, and you’re ready to lead your team to victory. You’ll have a few wins under your belt before August ends – so put on your game face and hit it hard! Celebrate those triumphs with pals when Mercury enters your social sector on the 25th. This is a time to feel appreciated and recognized for your hard work. There will be plenty of opportunities to toast (and enjoy) your successes.

Sagittarius - Forecasts and horoscopes

Sagittarius: Your urge for intimacy is heightened this month, thanks to a busy 8th house as July kicks off. Instead of your usual adventures, time spent undercover may be more appealing. Summer flings could turn serious…for a bit. If you’re already partnered, you might feel a deeper connection via the bedroom. This month is also a golden opportunity for updating your finances, especially on the 5th’s New Moon. Schedule a sit down with a financial advisor around that day. It might be the most brilliant move you’ll make all year, inspiring you with the potential for mega financial gains. Your mind begins to wander to distant shores when Venus enters the travel sector of your chart on the 11th. Suddenly, the itch to bolt settles in, which makes it hard for your loved ones. They want to merge while you’re looking for an exit. Mars in Gemini on the 20th could bring out your argumentative side. You’re excellent at debates, but if this ends up in your nest, you might create the perfect conditions to jet. The Full Moon on the 21st sheds light on your income. If you have been careless with your money, you might need to curtail your spending for a while. But if you’re not happy with your pay scale, it’s a stellar time to begin a search for something better. You’ll need that extra cheddar when the Sun joins Venus on the 22nd, a dynamic duo for trotting the globe. After weeks of homebound activities, you’re out of the coop and flying free. Where will you go? Wherever the best adventure may be! Once Mercury is in Virgo on the 25th, you’re set for location-independent work. Just make sure your WiFi is strong next month. Mercury will be retrograde in August, and that could impact your output. Off the grid may seem like a fun idea, but if it creates havoc for your career, you might want to think twice.

Capricorn - Forecasts and horoscopes

Capricorn: Relationships will be on your mind this month, dear Capricorn. The Sun is touring your 7th house for much of July, which attracts dynamic people into your orbit. Some of these partnerships could catch fire, and that might move towards a commitment. You may also be ready to move on from unproductive connections. Why hang on when it’s not going anywhere? Mercury in your intimacy sector on the 2nd helps you express your needs with courage. Get vulnerable – it could deepen your most important relationships. Venus joins forces with Mercury a few days later, elevating the sexy factor. Suddenly, the heat rises, and you might be ready to take the next step. The best day for fresh starts, engagements, and “going official” is the New Moon on the 5th. If you want a new beginning or a ring, this is your “hell yeah” day! Big boss leadership is needed when Mars enters your work zone on the 20th. You’re a natural leader, so you’ll have no problem stepping into this role now. This transit is also fab for physical exercise. You can return to your routines if you’ve slacked off this summer. The Full Moon on the 21st is your golden opportunity to show your most authentic self to the public. No more hiding behind a demure demeanor. Let your inner G.O.A.T. come out and slay. Not that many assume you’re a shy violet. However, you can be reserved, leading people to underestimate you. This lunation amps up your boldness and shows the world you’re not here to play. Finances will flourish when the Sun enters your 8th house on the 22nd. Over the next month, your income should rise through joint ventures, innovative ideas, or long-overdue promotions. Your partner’s finances could improve, too, adding more cash to the kitty. Late summer travels beckon when Mercury swims into the long journey section of your chart. A spontaneous trip to a country you’ve never visited may be on the docket. Keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde next month. Plan time for delays, and you’ll hit the road without stress.

Aquarius -- Forecasts and horoscopes

Aquarius: Work duties could eat up much of your free time this month, dear Aquarius. The Sun’s hike through your 6th house drops responsibility on your shoulders, which could lead to long days at the office. However, this could pay off with a promotion once the New Moon shows up on the 5th. Don’t lose sight of what is possible, even if you sometimes feel overwhelmed. Mercury moves into the relationship sector of your chart on the 2nd, followed by Venus on the 11th. Could love be in the air? Are you ready to say what’s in your heart? Do not be shy! Let your honey know what you feel, and let the sparks fly! Things heat up further when Mars prances into Gemini on the 20th. Expect plenty of passion after heavy work days. The best day for rest is the Full Moon on the 21st. A day spent in chill mode will keep your fire burning for love and work. Once the Sun leaves your 6th house on the 22nd, you’ll be ready to pour all your attention into your love life. Bring on the romance and make it extra steamy, please! Pillow talk will keep the flame flickering on full blast when Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th. But next month’s retrograde could find you tripping over your tongue. So, say what you mean and want before that throws salt on your love game.

Pisces - Forecasts and horoscopes

Pisces: As summer progresses, you are finding your groove again, dear Pisces. The month begins with a few planets in your chart’s romantic and creative section, helping you make art or love (or both!). Your ruler, Neptune, is retrograde on the 2nd, allowing you to get clear on your priorities. Instead of swimming upstream, you’re going with the flow and enjoying the ride. The New Moon on the 5th brings fresh ideas – and new romantic prospects. Let your muse take the wheel – but keep your eyes peeled for true love vibes. Fall in love with your work when Venus enters Leo on the 11th. Suddenly, you are filled with fresh inspiration and are doing some of your best work. This transit of Venus could also bring flirty energy with a coworker. Love on the job? Perhaps. On the 20th, Mars moves into your domestic zone, a dynamic transit for purchasing, selling, or renovating property. If you want to upgrade your crib, you’ll have the wherewithal to accomplish your goals before summer is over. The Full Moon on the 21st is lovely for weddings, engagement parties, or gatherings with friends. If you get an invitation, say yes. It might be an event to remember! You might move into a leadership role when the Sun changes signs on the 22nd, bringing with it the potential for career growth and recognition. While you enjoy being behind the scenes, this transit puts you on the main stage. Your creative leadership will inspire your teammates (and possibly excite that hot coworker). Sign contracts and negotiate deals when Mercury glides into your 7th house on the 25th. Whether you’re making a purchase or finalizing a partnership, Mercury is on your side as the month closes. 


Hey you! I have a free series for astro-newbies: Star School.

I’ve also got a book you might want to check out: Astrology For Real Life – A No B.S. Guide for the AstroCurious.

Learn how to mash-up tarot and astrology for your best life: Twist Your Fate: Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot.



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