7 Business Lessons I Learned From Watching “Game Of Thrones”, business, business advice, tarot business

I am nuts about “Game of Thrones”.  NUTS I tell ya.

This is a recent phenomena as I resisted this show with a mighty force (I am SO not into fantasy or anything remotely Middle Ages).

But one night, bored with wine glass in hand, I tuned in and oh my god = instant addict.  (I forced my poor husband to go on a 20 hour marathon to catch up on all the old seasons – he was a blurry eyed trooper but is now equally obsessed.)

For those who are not in the know (Huh? Are you hiding under a rock?!), Game of Thrones is based on the novel “A Song of Fire and Ice” by author George R. R. Martin.  Set in medieval times, it’s all about a bunch of greedy, bloodthirsty people getting naked and killing ‘n stuff as they aim to sit on the Iron Throne.  (That’s a very lame description but you can google it if you want the dirty details.)

The acting and storyline are fantastic – and many ethical lessons lurk in the characters and their stories.  I love finding the “moral of the story” in everything I watch – and in this case, there are many things to learn – lessons that can even be applied to your business.  (I get my biz inspiration from odd places….bear with me here.)

*A little warning – if you have not read the book or watched the entire series, there may be spoilers.  Stop reading if you don’t want me to wreck anything for you.

Lesson #1:  It’s better to be honest when your neck is on the line.  At least you go with dignity.   Poor Nedd Stark didn’t feel as if he had a choice but lying didn’t save him anyways.  In fact, it allowed him to die with shit on his name and set up his family for some very bad repercussions.  Pay attention to your business’ reputation and always try to err on the side of honesty, no matter what you are facing!

Lesson #2: Always keep your word.  Going back on a vow to Walder Frey didn’t work out so well for Robb Stark.  Even when he tried to make good later, the damage was done – and lead to a brutal punishment.  If you promise something, deliver on time and do it well.  Don’t make excuses because that is never going to wash and it may jeopardize your business in the long run.  (Lesson number two for Robb Stark: lead with the head on your shoulders, not the other one.)

Lesson #3:  Suss out your alliances carefully before you enter into any joint venture.  If you don’t, you risk a treacherous Roose Bolton in your circle.  I’ve learned this painful lesson myself way  too many times.  I now approach all partnerships with extreme scrutiny before I commit to a thing.

Lesson #4:  Being underestimated is not as bad as you think. Take a page from Tyrion Lannister in that regard.  He’s a dwarf and considered an embarrassment to his family.  Yet he doesn’t allow his lack of stature to stop him from outwitting everyone around him.  If people assume you aren’t shit – let them.  Do your thang and do it well.

Lesson #5:  If you are successful or in a position of power, don’t be an asshat.  Tsk tsk to King Joffrey.  No one respects a boss who acts like a petulant brat.  Abusing your power, treating people like garbage, throwing public tantrums, acting entitled – pull that maneuver and you’ll be off the throne and out of business in no time flat.

Lesson #6:  Butt kissing doesn’t guarantee you’ll get ahead.  Margery Tyrell can schmooze all she wants – Cersei Lannister saw right through that act – and guess what?   If you try that phony baloney stuff, people will see through you too.  Rather than approach people with an agenda, a better plan is to simply be great at what you do and to seek REAL friendships with your colleagues.  That leads to a respectful climb up the ladder.

Lesson #7:  Even if you start out not knowing what you are doing, stay brave and keep learning.  Daenrys Targaryen started out naive and scared but in no time flat she’s conquering cities, freeing slaves and building an army.  You can build your empire too even if your beginnings are humble. All it requires is determination and a willingness to learn.

“Never forget who you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength and it will never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it and it will never be used to hurt you. -Tyrion Lannister”

What shows (or other things) inspire you and your business? I’d love to hear about your unconventional business influences.



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2013

image from stock photography

PS that image is actor Peter Dinklage, who plays Tyrion Lannister on the show.  My husband thinks that his character closely matches my impish personality.  Turns out Dinklage and I are born on the same day! Ha!

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