The Hit List – We are all Big Brother now

The Hit List – We are all Big Brother now

In 1949, author George Orwell published the novel 1984, a sinister tale about authoritarianism and mass surveillance. This story is set in the future, in a time of perpetual war. The Thought Police and Big Brother keep people in line by watching their every move. When...
The Hit List – The monster next door

The Hit List – The monster next door

I’ve always had an affinity with monsters. Many Saturday evenings were spent with my siblings crouched around the television for “Shock Theatre,” a syndicated series with classic horror films. No matter how terrifying the monsters were, I rooted for them. They were...
The Hit List – Bend it like bamboo

The Hit List – Bend it like bamboo

 The planets were sending bat signals in my direction over the past week or so. Pluto in Aquarius crossed over my IC, a transit associated with transformation of the domestic sector, while the Full Moon in Leo suggested closure on something that began six months...

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