soul proprietor

It’s a simple question:  what did you do to move your business forward today?


Did you pick up the phone and return that call?

Did you answer the emails that have been sitting in your inbox for three days?

Did you handle that paperwork?

Did you finally file for an LLC?

Did you crack open that ecourse on marketing you bought three months ago?

Did you clean your desk?

Did you revise your to-do list?

Did you write that blog post you were talking about (or even start your blog for that matter)?



Did you fill your time with non-business stuff (like checking your friend’s Facebook statuses)?

Did you look at what your peers are doing and wonder why they are so much “luckier” than you?

Did you make excuses?


Truth: your business will not build itself.

If you want your soulful business to succeed, you need to take action.

These actions don’t need to be big.  Start small.  Micro movements.

Just take one little action every day.  One teeny step leads to another and these build upon each other.

So today, take one action.

Just one.

And tomorrow take another.

Make a business, not excuses. 




© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2014


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