soul proprietor

Here’s a story I hear every so often: a newbie biz person excitedly reaches out to connect with a seasoned pro only to get the metaphysical door slammed in their face.

I experienced that when I first started my tarot business.  I’m friendly so I thought I’d get acquainted with my peers and introduce myself.  At times, I was met with dead silence.  Other times, I was greeted with a sarcastic eye roll and patronized like I was a bother.  I was on my own and not welcome at the inn in some circles.

Not sure if they doubted my skills (I was really young) or if they just didn’t dig the competition.

Whatever the case, it was hurtful and sent a clear message: if you are a neophyte, we’re not interested in getting to know you.  Go away. This club is “members only.”

Have you ever had that happen to you?

Or what about being on the other side?  Have you ever snubbed or talked down to a newcomer?

If you’ve ever pooh-poohed someone because they have a fledgling business or happen to be young, stop for a minute.

You were there once too.

We all start somewhere and there is nothing worse than trying to network with your peers and getting the mystical cold shoulder.

It shouldn’t be like that.

Here’s what I would love to see:  a welcoming vibration extended to every heart centered business novice.  That means elders who treat young practitioners with respect and friendliness (PS that goes both ways – if you are a rookie whiz kid, show the same graciousness to the old dogs).

Look, at the end of the day, the elders will retire and the younguns will be carrying that torch.  Wouldn’t it be lovely if we helped them to do just that by sharing space in a mutually respectful and neighborly way?

Whether you are new to your game or an old hat, let’s do better.  Let’s welcome the new with open arms.

“This is my doctrine: Give every other human being every right you claim for yourself. Keep your mind open to the influences of nature. Receive new thoughts with hospitality. Let us advance.” ~ Robert G. Ingersoll



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2014


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