are tarot readings always positive

Are tarot readings always positive?

Every once in a while, I get that question.

I’m not sure if people ask that because they are having a hard time believing that their life can be good – or if they feel skeptical because nothing really “bad” showed up.

Whatever the case, here’s my thoughts:

No, tarot readings are not always positive.  Life has twists and turns –  and occasional hardships.

In most of our day to day lives, we experience some stress here and there (problems at work, relationship issues, sickness, etc) and that may show up in your reading.

That’s not a “bad reading” – that’s life.

But even when negative stuff shows up, it’s our job as tarot readers to view all situations through a compassionate lens and help you to find solutions and strategies so that you can make conscious choices.

A good tarot reading encourages personal responsibility and puts your life squarely in your hands.

That’s where the positive part comes in – we help you to find your way through the sticky wickets and move towards a life you want, not the one you assume you’re stuck with.

So it may indeed seem incredulous to see an optimistic possibility – especially if you are of a pessimistic mindset.  (In that case, you may well bring about your own self fulfilling negative prophecy no matter what favorable possibilities we might see.)

Now, on rare occasion, I’ll get what I call a truly “bad reading” (they are the only ones I ever remember by the way).   Those are few and far between – and usually it’s people who are doing shit they are not supposed to be doing (ex: dealing drugs, ripping off their granny, etc.).  If you are living your life in that manner, you may well end up with a tarot smackdown  (sometimes, even ne’er do wells manage to score a decent forecast).  But guess what?  No matter what kind of dodgy stuff you’re up to – we’re still going to look for an escape chute.

It’s our job to help, not judge.

What you want to watch out for: tarot readers who predict doom and gloom – and then insist you need to pay them to “remove a curse.”  Those readers are totally bogus.  If you ever get a reading like that, even if you want to believe that your problems are going to be washed away by the flick of a magic wand, run.

It’s your decisions that determine your destiny – and you can decide to take the happy route or the hard one.  We’re just here to shine the light on the best path.

A positive or negative future is totally up to you.

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” ―William Jennings Bryan



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2014

 image from stock photography

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