Talking Shop with Theresa and Bri - A podcast for metaphysical pros, tarotpreneurs, and sacred artists.

Face it: there are a lot of tarot decks and metaphysical books out there. In fact, there are more coming out every day. It’s getting more crowded than a Mardi Gras parade.

Which means: it’s harder than ever to get eyes on your work.

So what’s a mystical author or creator to do? 

How can you stand out when there are So. Many. Other. Talented. Folks. Out. There?

If you’re freaking out just thinking about this, we’ve got you covered. 

In the latest Talking Shop, we’ve got suggestions for amping up your online presence, pre-order smarts, and public appearances. In other words, we’ll give you our 2¢ on what you need to do to make your work stand out (and what to skip).

In this power hour, we’ll discuss:

  • What to put on your author page
  • Social media strategies 
  • Pitching the media
  • Pre-order incentives
  • Getting out in public
  • What ideas are a total bust

And more!

If you’re dropping a tarot deck or book, you’ll want to check this one out. Listen in:

Listen in + learn:


Theresa and Bri

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2019

Listen to all previous episodes here.


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