Tarot Bytes Episode 204 - Tarot and Spirit Guides with Arwen Lynch

Tarot Bytes: The Podcast

Bite-sized lessons for Tarot beginners
Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady

Welcome to Tarot Bytes – the tarot podcast for people who want to learn tarot…but don’t have all day. Short, bite-sized tarot lessons.

Episode 204 – Tarot and Spirit Guides with Arwen Lynch

What’s a spirit guide? Can tarot help you connect with them? Glad you asked! Intuitive tarot pro and author Arwen Lynch joins me to answer my questions about tarot and spirit guides. Learn how to find out who’s guiding you, and what tarot spreads to use for this type of work (it’s actually easier than you might think!). You’ll also learn which tarot decks Arwen thinks are best for spirit work!

About Arwen:

Tarot Bytes Episode 204 - Tarot and Spirit Guides with Arwen LynchArwen Lynch-Poe, the Professional Joy Seeker, uses oracles, Tarot, and much wise-assery to guide her clients to a joy-filled life. She loves connecting people with their spirit guides or chatting with the dead who invariably show up in her sessions. Her own journey with Tarot began in 1985 with one deck. Her collection of decks is now considerably larger than one. “Seek Joy, Y’all” is her motto in life. Arwen is a Tarot consultant, medium, psychic, writer, teacher, and more.

Arwen has authored many decks including the Field Guide to Garden Dragons. She resides in enchanting New Mexico with her husband, four dogs, and three cats—not to mention the roadrunners, crows, quail, bunnies, and occasional coyote trotting down her street. And no, she’s never seen a coyote chase a roadrunner. Meep Meep! Look for @TarotByArwen on all major social media platforms. Book your reading at tarotbyarwen.com. 

Grab your favorite deck, put in your earbuds, and dive in!



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© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2021

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