so much tarot

Every single day, I handle the tarot.  I’ve done this consistently for the last three decades plus. There is rarely a day when a deck isn’t in my hands.

So. Much. Tarot.

You’d think I would be sick of it by now.  But I’m not.

It’s been the longest love affair of my life and the one consistent companion that I’ve been able to count on through dog days and Caturdays.  It’s always there, waiting to help.  Tarot has never let me down, ever.

When people ask me what my favorite tarot deck is or what methods I prefer for reading, I certainly have my opinions – and I’m not shy about sharing ’em.  But preferences be damned.

The truth is: I love all the tarot. Every single bit.

All the decks, the books, the people, the methods, the art, the tarot conferences….every tarot morsel I can breathe in – I’m in!

I may be a Rider Waite girl at heart but I’m thrilled to see decks of every stripe, color, and fantastical thing an artist could imagine. There is something for all of us tarot lovers (wasn’t like this in the old days).  Heck, I even discover new decks on occasion that sing to my soul in such a deep way that I develop an unhealthy obsession with it (Baroque Bohemian Cats’ Tarot or the gorgeous Fountain Tarot – yeah, I’m down with those two).

And the books!  Hell to the yeah on books!  New theories, delicious ideas, creative inspiration – there is a never-ending stream of booky goodness for tarot fanatics.  (Yes, I have one coming out too: The Tarot Coloring Book).

I never get tired of reading tarot – or getting my cards read.  Yeah, I can do my own but why bother when there are so many lovely tarot readers to choose from?  I love to see what someone else might have to say. Viewing tarot (and my life) through someone else’s eyes feels like I’m spying on myself.  Oh yeah. I dig that Mata Hari stuff. A lot. (For the record, I enjoy every single one and learn something new from my fellow readers every single time.)

Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I have been examining people’s cards for three decades. But it’s safe to say that I’ll keep on doing it until I cannot physically shuffle those cards any longer. Of course, if that day comes, there is always a tarot app.

Like I said: so much tarot.



Other stuff:

A no-bake chocolate eclair cake? Sign me up!

The AstroTwins lay down the scopes for tomorrow’s Oscars.  Forecast: old style Hollywood glamor!

I want to move in with Rick Ross. Daaaaaamn Rick!

True detective time: 19 creepy unsolved crimes.

Insanity: An archbishop decides to take on….the Girl Scouts.

Sounds about right: how extroverted introverts interact with the world and everyday struggles only extroverted introverts will understand. Yippers.

Makeup tips from a trained modern dancer.  I love this guy!

Lo Scarabeo has a new book coming out – Tarot Experience.  Check out the Kickstarter campaign.

This is a must read post for tarot peeps: reading tarot for trans people.

This woman uses her hijab to create Disney characters.  She’s amazing!

Some conspiracy theories are just too damn crazy for me.

Super-powered avocado toast.  It’s a thing.

Ellen Fondiler interviews Sherry Richart Belul and it’s pretty amazing.  Love these two!

A court ruling has forced all but one of Louisiana’s abortion clinics to close.

I need this: jewelry for anxiety.

On tarot and conserving energy – a post from Esmé Wang.

Yeah baby: get your groove back through seduction.

Some people are naturally confident teachers…others not so much.  But Jennifer Louden has help for you!

The G.O.A.L. system for achieving goals. Brilliant!

What are your intuitive tools? Christiana Gaudet shares hers.

Top o’ my list: Born for This by Chris Guillebeau.

#AskGaryVee: One Entrepreneur’s Take on Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Awareness – Gary Vaynerchuk is always a good source of wisdom.

Not sure if I need this or not: The Year of Drinking Adventurously.

Grace and Style – the art of pretending you have it.  Ha!

For impatient crafters: DIY, Dammit!  A Practical Guide to Curse-free crafting.


What I’m Grateful For:

Tarot, tarot, tarot – and more tarot

My long and curious career

Cats who get the hint

A window on a car that can roll down

Good mechanics

Cell phones

Glasses that don’t get tangled in my hair

Time to write and breathe




Soundtrack for 2/27/16: Pass It On by The Knife <-Addictive! On constant rotation right now.



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady  2016

images from stock photography and personal collection

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