My sassy grandma, Sybil Masche

After writing a recent post, A Tarot Letter To My Younger Self, I started reflecting on my “older self”.  (Actually I think about aging a lot since my father passed away two years ago.  Now that both of my parents are gone, I’ve become very aware of my own mortality.) 

I began to contemplate the lessons that might I learn in the next 25 years.  As I edge towards the “golden years”, how may I look back on this middle age and the life I have led so far?  And more importantly – what advice could I use in the future?

I grabbed my trusty tarot and asked “what advice will I need and appreciate in the future?”  I cut the deck and pulled three cards randomly and used them as a prompt.  Here is my loving letter to my older self:


Dear older but wiser Theresa,

Your life has been a celebration.  You have been blessed with a bounty of friends, family, fun, love and joy.  I hope that you have appreciated the wonderful life you have been given thus far.  You are surrounded by everything that you could ever want – make sure you continue to enjoy all of your blessings (3 of Cups).

I know you still want to work hard because that is hard wired in your genes.  Like your dad, you probably won’t retire until you’re in your eighties.  If that keeps you fit and sane, keep doing it.  You still have much to offer the world – plus you still have some mad tarot chops – in fact, they are even more finely honed.  Don’t slow down too quickly.  Keep busy (5 of Wands).  

And as the sun begins to set on the marvelous life you’ve led, please don’t feel too sad.  Getting older may be hard for your optimistic Gemini spirit, especially as your own body ages and you begin to lose friends and loved ones through death or illness.  Accept that nothing is forever and cherish each day that is still waiting for your brilliance (The Sun reversed).

You’ve done the best you can.  Keep smiling and be present – it’s going to continue to be a great journey and you don’t want to miss a thing.


What would be the letter you’d write to your older self?  Please share in the comment section below:


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