The Hit List – Time buckets

The Hit List – Time buckets

The year is half over. It’s been over a year since we ousted he who shall not be named. The grandbaby is walking. Soon, they will turn two. I’m almost the big six-oh. (Not until next year.) Because I’m a woman of a certain age, I think about time a lot. Of course, the...
The Hit List – Technology and patience

The Hit List – Technology and patience

After the last post, I thought I was done writing about technology drama. But the Universe decided to deliver another test. This time, I was ready. In fact, I think I aced it! A little background: My husband and I are opposites when it comes to technology. He’s a PC...
The Hit List – The quiet panic

The Hit List – The quiet panic

On the outside, I’m a cool-headed, happy-go-lucky type. You’d never guess I’m walking around in a quiet panic because I have too much pep in my step. Yep, there is a whole lotta anxiety bubbling underneath the surface. It doesn’t interfere with...
The Hit List – Full Moon Hangover

The Hit List – Full Moon Hangover

Confession: I’ve never had a hangover. In fact, I’m a great drinker. I can hold down with the big boys. Well, I used to…but I can only drink one glass of wine these days or don’t sleep. Yes, sleeping is more important than imbibing with my buddies. Priorities change...

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