If you want to be a professional Tarot reader… this is for you.
I’ve been a professional Tarot reader for over 30 years. Pretty wild, right? I started my Tarot business long before Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and iPhones existed. Dinosaurs roamed the earth. David Bowie was still alive. Trump did not possess the nuclear war codes at his fingertips. Ahhh, yes. A simpler time.

Over the years, I’ve received lots of emails from Tarot lovers who are curious about “going pro”—emails from people who dream about quitting their soul-sucking jobs and doing Tarot full-time.

People often ask me…

* Theresa, how did you start your Tarot business?

* How do you decide what to charge for your services?

* How do you find clients and earn enough money to pay your mortgage and save for retirement?

* What happens if a client isn’t happy and demands a refund or something like that??!

* And what about the financial, legal, and logistical side of things? Do you have an accountant? Are you registered as an LLC? Do you rent an office somewhere or do you work from home? 

… And tons of other questions.

I love helping Tarot-preneurs to get started and grow their businesses! I’m always happy to share as much advice as I possibly can. If you’re interested in doing Tarot professionally, like me, here’s all the guidance I can possibly share with you… all neatly organized in one place:

* Tarot Biz posts. I’ve written hundreds of blog posts filled with business advice, marketing and branding ideas, all kinds of stuff especially for people who want to make a living doing Tarot. You can read all of these posts for free. Three of my favorites: How can I start reading Tarot professionally?Easy ways to promote your Tarot businessTarot certification: do you need it? I also have a TON of blog posts from my Soul Proprietor series. You can find those all here. They are all free too!

* Talkin’ Tarot. I interview Tarot readers and ask them three questions about their work. It’s very inspiring to hear how other tarot pros do their thing. No two Tarot businesses are exactly alike! There’s plenty of room for all different kinds of Tarot readers in our industry. You can read the entire Talkin’ Tarot series on my blog and it’s free.

* Talking Shop with Theresa and Bri. I co-host this podcast along with one of my dearest friends, the amazing Briana Saussy! Each episode includes business advice especially for mystical, magical, intuitive business owners—Tarot readers, astrologers, psychics, peeps like that. You can listen to every single episode for free.

* What If? I co-host this podcast series with Wald Amberstone of The Tarot School. It’s a six-episode show for Tarot professionals where we talk about illness, death, divorce, income loss, retirement, and other uncomfortable topics that most of us don’t want to talk about—but that we need to discuss. You can listen to every single episode for free.

* 1:1 Business Mentoring. If you need one-on-one business mentoring, that’s not a service I offer. BUT I know two top-notch tarotpreneurs who will help you get your business moving in the right direction: Ethony Tarot and Jenna Matlin. These gals are full-time readers who really know their stuff. If you want to learn the ins and outs of what it takes to make it in this biz, you need true pros with hands-on experience. You can’t go wrong with either of these tarotpreneurs.

I hope that list is really helpful! 

I wish you all the best with your budding Tarot empire. 

The Tarot industry needs good, kind, generous, reliable, ethical, creative people in it—people like you. So, welcome! 

Be patient. Building a solid business doesn’t happen in six weeks. Stay optimistic. Keep working. Do excellent work for your clients. Build a strong reputation and eventually, you won’t have to hustle so hard to find clients. They’ll be coming to you!

Here’s to your success…


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