Today would be the most content heavy day of the Reader’s Studio with two master workshops!


I was sure to get a seat in the “breakfast roundtable” led by Nancy Antenucci, author of one of my favorite tarot books, Psychic Tarot.  Nancy led a story telling group where many of us shared some of our best “tarot stories”.  Some were tearful, some were deep and others were comical.  It was a lot of fun but still intimate at the same time.  Nancy has that way with people – she can entertain but she always leaves you knowing that her underlying message is one of deep human connection.

We then headed into the main room for a master class with with Shawn Nacol.  I’ve always wanted to hear him speak so I was extra excited for his class to begin.  To see Shawn in action is to witness a force of nature.  He is high energy, fiery and in your face (in a good way).


Shawn presented a heady class on the Elements.  The information was multi-layered, complex and super smart.  I have a thing for intelligent men – either I fall in love with them or my eyes glaze over and circus music starts to play in my head when it starts heading into Einstein territory.  I may have accomplished both.  

It’s hard not to like Shawn or to fall in love with his material – it’s that good.  But at times, I was overwhelmed and had to sit back and percolate on what he was presenting.  This was no ordinary Elements class and I realized I would need to take time to digest and process this info-overload long after Reader’s Studio ended.

I headed out for a light sushi lunch (it’s all about food with me) with my buddy Donnaleigh de la Rose.  It was just the tonic I needed and I came back feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the next class with the legendary James Wanless.  


James is a true master of tarot but he’s also a natural showman.  He walked on stage in a flashy cool shirt like a true tarot mack daddy and instantly captivated the audience with his smarts and charm.  His class was about  “whole person profile reading” and he taught us a fantastic spread that can be used for “transforming yourself and your future”.

We had a lot of fun at our table creating our spreads and sharing our findings. After we completed our individual spreads, we then used the same format to create one for our table.  Our group had a blast putting it together and interpreting the meanings.  James then finished off by having the audience create a reading for the entire conference.  I love hands on classes like this!  For a visual person like myself, the information was processed immediately.  This is a spread I will definitely be doing again and again.

One of the highlights of the conference is the Saturday night banquet.  People dress up in costumes or nice clothes (except myself because I am not a fancy person and prefer comfort).  Some were dressed like tarot cards but there was also steampunk, ren faire and gypsy costumes as well.  My favorite was Gina Thies’ interpretation of Justice.  


Gina Thies as Justice


Thalassa, Barbara Moore and Lisa Novak


James Wanless and Mary Greer


Myself with "Big Daddy" Mike Hernandez and Hilary Parry

Dinner was fantastic and I was with a fun table.  After we were done eating, Ciro Marchetti presented the Amberstones with a box he designed that was filled with notes from the conference goers.  This gift was extra special because it also marked the 10 year anniversary of the Reader’s Studio.  Ruth Ann and Wald were very touched by the gift.

Ciro Marchetti presenting a gift to the Amberstones


This was followed by a tarot themed performance from Nancy Antenucci where she embodied the cards in an interpretative dance.  When she finished, more performers took the stage for a fun song and skit (tarot centered again – but of course!).  Guests filtered out of the ballroom, well fed and totally entertained – but not done yet as there were evening classes and opportunities for readings.

Nancy Antenucci becomes the 2 of Swords


Evening entertainment


I attended the “Presentation Skills 101” class with Mike Hernandez.  I love business classes and this one was useful and informative.  Mike has had years of public speaking and it showed.  I learned so much!  For those who didn’t attend, they missed a great class.

Mike Hernandez


By the Saturday wrapped up, I was too tired to hang out in the bar.  I needed some rest.  But hey – there is always tomorrow……


Too tired to hang with buddies Donnaleigh and Angelo



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2012


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