Tarot Bytes Episode 54: Two of SwordsTarot Bytes: The Podcast

Bite-sized lessons for Tarot beginners
Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady

Welcome to Tarot Bytes – the tarot podcast for people who want to learn tarot…but don’t have all day. Short, bite-sized tarot lessons.

Episode 54: Two of Swords

So now we’re moving on to the most hated suit: the Swords. Every time someone sees one of these cards, I swear they groan! It’s true: Swords can indicate conflict and drama. But they also symbolize our mental processes. Take for example the Two of Swords. This card doesn’t show any sort of conflict. Instead, it’s an inner conflict – a time to pull back and consider the options. Not so bad, right?

Anyhow, let’s look under the blindfold and check out the symbols and possible interpretations of this card. You just might discover that the Two of Swords isn’t such a bad thing to see in a tarot reading. (PS you’re also going to learn what I’m having for dinner tonight!)

Grab your favorite deck, put in your earbuds, and dive in!



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© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2017

Check out all previous Tarot Bytes lessons here.

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