Star School Lesson 13: The Hemispheres

Star School Lesson 13: The Hemispheres

In a previous lesson, we looked at the astrological houses. To recap: an astrology chart is divided into twelve sections, kinda like a pie (True story: when I was a kid, I used to buy Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and cut them up like little pies, and eat ‘em one slice...
Star School Lesson 12: Aspect patterns

Star School Lesson 12: Aspect patterns

In today’s lesson, we’re going to cover a few of the major Aspect Patterns.  There are more to get to later but this brief intro will get your astro-appetite whetted. The ones I’m focusing on are important and fairly easy to spot in a chart.  Yes, there is a little...
Star School Lesson 11: Chart patterns

Star School Lesson 11: Chart patterns

As you begin to study astrology charts, you may notice that some – not all – have clearly defined patterns. You have to use your imagination here a bit to see ‘em but once you learn how, you’ll spot them quickly. Kinda like constellations!  Each one of...

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